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Brianna Lammers

Mr. Rudy Rico

Case #3
Health Lesson Plan
For case #3, I was asked to sub for a health teacher. When I got to looking at her lesson
plan, I noticed that there was not really a lesson to teach. It was simply an explanation of a
homework assignment. The plan mentioned nothing about a demonstration, presentation or
explanation of what a healthy diet consists of or what certain vitamins, minerals, or fats do to a
persons body. Due to this lack of information, I would not be able to teach this lesson without
doing some research on my own and developing some sort of background for the students to
acquire before assigning them this homework.
Aside from that note, the assignment plan was mostly complete. The objectives lacked
the conditions under which the task was to be carried out. There was no mention of if the student
would be allowed to use notes, a textbook, or simply their knowledge of health and nutrition to
complete the task. Also, the objectives lacked a criterion that would be used to determine
success of the task. This does not provide the student with any clue as to how they will be
evaluated. Along the same lines, the 20 point summary about what they learned by doing the
assignment does not match up with any of the objectives presented at the beginning of the lesson.
In order to improve the quality of this lesson plan, a few very important parts need to be
added. First and foremost, there needs to be some sort of lesson for the students to learn.
Currently, the lesson plan is just an elaborate outline for a homework assignment. A simple
lesson about vitamins, minerals, and fats and their effect on the body will suffice. If the teacher
was aiming for more of a student-led research lesson, then helpful resources or research
guidelines would have to be added to the plan. Also, the objectives need to be rewritten to
contain the conditions under with the objective must be completed, the performance that will be
required, and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the students level of mastery for the

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