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Proposal- Associate Copy Editor

Copyediting may not contribute directly to content, but it plays the

crucial role of maintaining the respectability of the Newspaper. The content is
checked for factual errors by the pre-slotting to ensure that all the
information provided, from names to dates to events, are accurate.
Furthermore, copy has at least three pairs of eyes checking to prevent
grammatical errors from making it into print. By minimizing the possibility of
either factual or grammatical mistakes in the news contributes, the copy
section helps uphold the image of the newspaper as a serious, reputable
newspaper. But more importantly, the copy section elevates the newspaper
from a simple collection of articles and graphics to a cohesive, coherent
news source by standardizing the style and quality of writing. Copy makes
sure that all of the newspapers pieces uses the same writing conventions of
Spec Style, which grants a sense of unity to the newspaper as a whole. Copy
also edits the pieces for maximum clarity and quality to ensure that the
newspaper possesses consistently high quality of writing in its articles. These
functions of the copy section makes it essential to the newspaper, and
differentiates the newspaper from other, more casual news sources.
To be frank, the main reason I want to be an Associate Copy Editor is
because I enjoy working in the copy section, and Id like to be more involved
in it. Of course there are more serious reasons- I believe the copy section
provides an indispensable function to the quality and image of the

newspaper, I think making articles as clear and concise as possible makes

them more accessible and trustworthy to readers, and my own writing
improves as I work in the copy section. But more important is how fun the
work is. Where else would I be able to debate the proper plural form of
moose (its not meese)? Copy lets me argue over grammar to my hearts
content without it being considered pedantic. The copy section also allows
for stronger bonding between its staffers because of the long stretches of
shifts, and the people who work in copy are generally awesome. I want to be
an Associate Copy Editor because I think I would be able to handle more
responsibility in becoming more involved. And I covet the freedom to edit
painfully awkward sentences awarded to slotters and the higher-ups. The
ACE position offers both enjoyment and a larger role in maintaining
Spectators quality of writing, and I would be ecstatic to fill the role for 2014.

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