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TO: Julia Intawiwat

FROM: Andrew Wells

DATE: November 11, 2015
SUBJECT: How to tell if someone is a vampire
Vampires are very dangerous creatures and it can be difficult to tell if someone a vampire
without knowing the signs. These are basic to telling if someone is a vampire. Firstly the person
is mostly nocturnal, comes out at night, and dislike daylight. Next might be a definite tell to a
vampire, but they can be more of the loner type and very secretive. Another way to tell is if they
naturally look younger than you are. It may not always be the case the person is vampire, but
thats always something to look into. Some other signs are they can be super thin and pale, again
be careful with this. They may also have elongated canine teeth. You just must look carefully at
their teeth when they talk. A really strong sign of that person being a vampire is this person is
obsessed with blood and possibly works at a hospital or somewhere where blood can be
accessed. Other small details can be they have a strong interest in vampirology, have a voracious
appetite for rare meat, an aversion to garlic, and last the person can almost always dress in black.
For most of these signs you cant really tell if the person is a vampire, other than drinking blood,
but a person having more than two or three can be worth looking into. Remember with these
signs you have the power to expose the vampire and bring them to justice.

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