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Do I need to be a doctor to volunteer?

Not at all, if you feel like you could contribute towards the health clinic
then volunteer. There is no minimum qualification required to work at
Maliheh free clinic, as there is always work to do. Whether you want to
read stories to children in our overnight centers or provide
administrative support, your services are invaluable to us. We love to
get volunteers from specific medical fields such as: nurses,
interpreters, CNAs, EMTs, social workers, dentists, Physician
Assistants and Nurse Practitioners.
Can I get school credit/internship hours at the clinic?
Yes. Students make up a large proportion of our volunteers and we
accept both undergraduate and graduate students into the clinic. Our
Physicians love to work with passionate and hard working individuals
who thrive to make a difference within their own community and what
better way to further improve your learning than to get some real
hands on experience working at Maliheh. Please work through your
school to arrange these kinds of experiences.
How often should I be volunteering?
We are exceptionally grateful for whatever time commitments you
have to offer. The easiest way for you to plan out your hours is through
our online system, just sign up for whenever you have the time to help
out online. This way it keeps your schedule as flexible as possible.
However some jobs require a little more commitment as a lot of
training is needed to be successful.

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