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o Simplify first slide. Remove description of qualities.

Make a simple statement instead

o Second slide (needs). Maybe a different title?
o Research Slide. Second statement is a qualification.
o Dont need text boxes for explanation.
o Little bit text heavy. Leave the bolded stuff, remove the rest, and elaborate during the
o Bullet the needs
o Needs slide text is a bit too small. Increase the font size
o If you bullet point the slide, you can read the text you wrote verbatim and get away
with it
o Research slide
o Spacing could be better
o Qualification doesnt quite fit in with the rest
o Brochure introduction
o Make the explanation verbal instead of on the slide
o How did you come to the conclusion you did? Saying its morally wrong is possible,
but needs a reason behind it
o Excerpts:

Take the explanation and put it into the verbal presentation

I like the excerpts blown up in a bigger font

-Color is nice
-Bold mission statements. to distinguish.
-Enlarge text
-Use bullet points
Research slide- get rid of qualification point
-Maybe include a picture?
-Maybe move text box to side to make clearer

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