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Aurora Mae MacDonald

Ms. Sheila Fielding

WRTC 103
September 20, 2015
An Inspiring, Yet Difficult Change

One day, my Uncle Karl came over to our house for a family party. He told us that
he is now an agnostic member and told us all about his beliefs and why he changed over. He
really inspired me to follow in his footsteps. It took me a while to get used to the transition and
to tell my friends. I knew they would be confused, because I myself was confused. I used to pray
at the foot of my bed every night. I never really knew to who or why I was doing it, I just did it
because I thought it was right. I soon went through experiences that shaped me into the person I
am today, and would change my religious views forever; until proven wrong. Being agnostic was
a choice I made, on my own, because of the things I learned as I grew up. It has led me to not
only be really open about everything, as well as a more intellectual person. The definition of
agnosticism is the following: the view that the truth values of certain claims especially
metaphysical and religious claims such as whether or not God, the divine or the supernatural
exist are unknown and perhaps unknowable. Most people find meaning through religion, I
found it in not having one.
Personally, I started becoming agnostic when I realized I was okay with the fact that
nothing was there after death. I was okay with there not being a heaven and/or hell. According to
R. H. Hutton, as published in the New English Dictionary, Huxley first used the word agnostic at
a party at James Knowles's house on Clapham Common prior to the formation of the

Metaphysical Society. Hutton also said, "He [Huxley] took it from St. Paul's mention of the altar
to 'the Unknown God.'" (New English Dictionary edited by James A. H. Murray. Oxford: At the
Clarendon Press, 1888, p. 86.) Agnosticism is clearly a newly founded religion, and has a far
way to go before being completely accepted. The acceptance part of religion is the hardest part;
because people in this world have so many different views, we often arise in problems, and even
fights. In my life as an agnostic member, I have been criticized by people because of my
religious views. I am thankful for that though, mainly because it has made me a stronger and
more accepting person. I would never judge someone for their views, or tell them they are
wrong. People are open to believe whatever they want.
The founding principles are simple; belief in a high power, which could be a god, or
could be something else. Belief in science. There is no set god, we just dont know, and even a
bigger part of it is being okay with not knowing. Being able to live your life to the fullest without
knowing what is out there. Actually, it is scientifically proven that there is life outside of our
planet earth. We do not yet have the technology to discover what that life is, but it is there.
Lastly, having respect for others no matter what they are considered. This goes for all major
decisions in life; from weather your democrat or republican to weather your gay or straight,
respect is necessary.
There are no rituals or practices to follow, you basically follow the path of science and
just wait on the world to give us more clues of high powers. The beliefs of an agnostic are very
straight forward. I, and all agnostic people, believe that somewhere out in the solar system there
is a higher power. Nothing else, plain and simple. We just have to wait for our world to
technologically grow in order to be able to find out more.

There is one main questionable and/or controversial element of group membership used
against agnostic people. And that element is that people often mistake being agnostic with being
atheist. People who are atheist are just and non-accepting and arrogant as people who have set
religions. People are offended when I tell them my beliefs for many reasons. Some cant accept
just dying and not having an afterlife. They are confused as to what I think happens to people
when they die. Some say, How can you not be catholic when there is the bible? I believe truly
that we cant know anything that is not a set fact, so that is why I classified myself as this. Also,
people automatically suggest that I do not believe in Jesus Christ. That is really ignorant thing to
say because Jesus Christ was a person, it is a fact, I just do not believe the stories about him in
the bible. Stereotypes used against people do nothing but slow down the process of everyone in
the world coming together.
My reasons for joining or being initiated into this group are very straight forward. I can
live my life in acceptance that there is no afterlife. Science tells me that there is something else
out there in out space, weather it is a god or other life, but its still out there. People in religions
believe in something that they dont necessarily know for fact is true. They live their lives
accordingly to these beliefs and some dedicate their lives to them, and they may be only stories
and fiction. I truly believe that religion is a good thing though. Some people need that in their life
to help them get through the day, I just personally dont need that. I expect people to treat me and
my views with respect, just how I treat them.
My role is simply to believe that the possibility of life higher/ more powerful than us
exists somewhere in our world, or our universe. As a member, I have certain expectations for my
beliefs. I get satisfaction out of being okay with my life the way it is. I dont expect miracles or
to go somewhere amazing when I die. I believe in living your life the way many would expect

their heaven to look like and be like. Maybe one day, we will discover the other life or a higher
power in our solar system, and it will bring us together as a world to drop all religion and trust in
science instead.
The significance is to end religion in general. No one really knows what happens in
afterlife or really anything. In fact, there is so much we dont know and we cant be sure about,
so why practice something that you dont have absolute facts about. For now, in our world,
because of lack of knowledge, religion in some ways is necessary still. It is not that I dont
believe in god, its that I dont spend my whole life pretending I know what I dont. Many
religions that people practice are based off old writings, no one really knows for sure if whats
contained inside is truth or fable. People at first think I do not believe in god at all and get
offended, so I am separated in that way, but I think they dont really listen to my explanation for
why I am what I am. If people would be more open and listen to people like me and our
opinions, they would learn a lot and maybe even convert. It helps me a lot to respect all religion,
and doing so makes me smarter and more well rounded in many ways, and open to all opinions. I
wish everyone could be like that one day.

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