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Genre Analysis Questions (This is a type of rhetorical analysis. We are analyzing the author's choices.) First, start by examining the text... 1. Who is the author of the text? Is it one person, or a design/marketing firm? A combo? How do you know? 2. Who is the target audience of this text? How do you know? 3. What is the purpose of this text? 4. Which of the 5 modes does the author use? What do you think is the most effective mode/combination of modes, and why? 5. How does this text appeal to you? a. Ethically? Does the author establish a strong ethos? That is, what kind of character does the author present/bring to this text? Do you trust this author? Why or why not? b. Pathetically? Does the author appeal to pathos? That is, does he/she appeal to your emotions? How? c. Logistically? Does the author appeal to logos? That is, does he/she present information in a logical way? How? Then start to consider the genre... 6. What is the umbrella genre of this text? Can you narrow down a sub-genre for it? What is the sub-genre? (The more specific you are, the better analysis you can do.) 7. Why, do you think, the author chose this genre? a. What are the allowances of this genre? That is, what does it allow the author to do? b. How is the author constrained by this genre? That is, what can the author not do with the genre? 8. Where is this genre situated? That is, where does it exist? How would its target audience gain access to it? And then come to some conclusions... 9. Do you think the text is successful? Does it fulfill its purpose? 10. Would a different genre be a better choice for this author? Why or why not?

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