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NGO- Free the Children

Introduction/ History of the NGO:

Founded in 1995 by children's advocate Craig Kielburger when he was just 12 year old, the
foundation began with a group of his classmates. After that Craig traveled to South Asia to learn
more about child labour. It was there where he first caught the eye of the media, when Craig held
a meeting with then Prime Minister Jean Chretien, hoping to put child labour on Canada's radar.
When Kielburger came home, he and his friends starting to take on fundraisers and petitions to
stop child labour. Story behind Free the Children, Craig was reading through the Toronto Star
newspaper before school one day when he came across an article about the murder of a 12-yearold Pakistani boy called Iqbal, a former child factory worker, who had spoken out against Child
1. Yes I believe that the NGO does a remarkable job in putting an end to child labour
and it deserves more resources and volunteers helping them eradicating child labour.
When I was reading through the history of the NGO I was shocked he started a NGO
when he was aged 12 and now it is the largest non government organization. I would love
to volunteer for this group and give them my resources as they are also in Durham
College. I would love to donate whenever I see them out fundraising.
2. Yes its definitely valuable, just the amount of education opportunities,
proper sanitation for village schools in 3rd world country. Theres no other NGO/
organization in the world that has had such a great impact in such a small
amount of time.
3. Yes, as I said earlier I would love to volunteer with this organization's it's just I
lack in managing my time as I also work and go to school. I still try my best to donating
something when I see them in fund raiser or party as I have worked with them back home
in India as we improved the village school to have proper sanitation and different
bathroom for boys and girls. As last week when I attended a Diwali party at Ryerson
University I donated some money to Me2We. I love designing house so I feel like if I
ever volunteered I would to spend a month in a foreign country and be part of a design
team for Me2WE and I feel like that would be such a rewarding experience that no other
job can give.

Missions of the NGO:

Free The Children is committed to empowering children around the world. They want to end
poverty around the world, to do these they focus on these five things; Education, Health, Clean

Water and Sanitation, Alternative Income and Livelihood, and Food and Agriculture Security.
These five pillars are what essentially is going to end poverty and give the children a better life.
Progress of the NGO: Over the course of 17 years Free the Children has helped 45 countries with
programming and building projects, had 650+ schools and school rooms built, helped 1,000,000
children and families get clean water. They also provided $16,000,000+ of medical supplies
around the world. As a result of Free the Children's Adopt A Village Program, there was a 17%
increase of children with access to nutritious food in the communities where Free The Children
works. Also now because of Free The Children 91% of households practice healthy water usage
at home. Free The Children Free The Children has many campaigns and helps internationally and
domestically. Internationally they build schools with their "Brick by Brick" program that helps to
raises money to build schools from the ground up. Another campaign internationally is the "Vow
to Silence" campaign. the "Vow to Silence" symbolizes the malnourished children, and the silent
children of child labor. People can also have other people sponsor them for every hour they are
silent, $50 can provide school supplies for a school and $8500can build a school or a school
room. Campaigns and Programs Free The Children is committed to empowering children around
the world.
"Free The Children." Free The Children Homepage Comments. 2015. Web. 2 Nov. 2015.

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