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Dianna wept.

She huddled in the corner, trying not to touch the fresh buises
across her wallet. Her boyfriend, Gee Dubya, had just spent the afternoon
hitting her with price rises. Stormravens were $66 only a few hours ago, now
they were over $80. She wimpered. Her dreams of an airforce, so far away
Dianna collected herself. She had to be strong now. She was going to tell Gee
Dubya that she was not going to be treated like this. Steeling her resolve, she
stood up and marched to the lounge room where Gee Dubya was watching
the tube from an old armchair, wearing a singlet covered in Cheeto dust.
"I... I don't want you to keep hittin' me, Gee..." she stammered. "I want you to
treat me w-with respect..."
Gee Dubya ignored her, and kept staring at the television.
"I don't have to stay here you know! The Perry brothers have lovely sculpts at
low prices, I could buy three times as much from them!"
"I'll do it you asshole! I'll dump your ass!"
Gee Dubya finally got up from his chair. Without ever acknowledging Dianna,
he walked over to a tall wooden padlocked cupboard in the corner of the
room. After fumbling with his keys, he pulled out four brand new Dark Angels
jetbike kits, with some completed examples next to them. 3 models for $79.
Dianna gasped. They were beautiful, and she had always liked robed
marines... and they are sure to be overpowered in the next codex...
NO. She wouldn't let him do this. She was strong.
Gee Dubya placed the kits down in front of her, and looked at her for the first
time, with a cold, knowing smile. He extended his hand palm-up, waiting.
In a daze, Dianna reached again for her battered old wallet...

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