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e-Portfolio Content Creation Checklist



Create a Homepage
Welcome Message
Introduction Video
Should tell the viewer what they would find inside
Include images, name, major at US, a favorite quote

Create About Me Page

Content to let viewers know who you are
New Insights reflection
My USF Journey (See homepage prompt on sample site)

Create My Educaitonal & Career Goals Page

Let viewers know where you are heading
Talk about Educaitonal Goals
Talk about Career Goals

Create My Achievement Page

General content page that links to various courses
Create a Subpage for the INTD 053 course
Create a template for at least 6 addional courses

Create My Groups and Organization Page

List orgs and groups you are a member of
Use prompts from Happenstance Assignment to elaborate on
your experience
Detail your experience/engagement outisde the classroom

Create a Resume Page

Include a viewable document of your Resume

Include a downloadable version of your Resume (both in Word

and pdf.)


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