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Jaclyn Purvine

Comp 1 8:00
Signs you tore your ACL:
"The pop"- Whenever you tear your ACL you'll hear a rather loud pop coming from your knee.
The pop represents the tear. unless it is a partial tear, this means you no longer have
stabilization of your knee. Cutting, pivoting, planting and turning will be hard to nearly difficult
without further damage to your knee.
"Buckling of the knee"- Without that major ligament in your knee there is nothing there to
prevent how far your leg extends. It feels like your knee locks and shoots sharp pain through
your knee.
Case Study- In 2000, 1041 female subjects received a sports specific training intervention. The
control group consisted of the remaining 1905 female soccer players participating in the same
league who were age and skill matched.
In the 2001 season, 844 female athletes from were enrolled in the study, with 1913 female
athletes serving as the age- and skill-matched controls. All subjects were female soccer players
between the ages of 14 and 18 and participated in either their traditional warm up or a sports
specific training intervention before athletic activity over a 2-year period.
The intervention consisted of education, stretching, strengthening, plyometrics, and sportsspecific agility drills designed to replace the traditional warm-up.
During the 2000 season, there was an 88% decrease in ACL injury in the enrolled subjects
compared to the control group. In year 2, during the 2001 season, there was a 74% reduction in
ACL tears in the intervention group compared to the age and skill matched controls. Using a
neuromuscular training program may have a direct benefit in decreasing the number of
ACL injuries in female soccer players.

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