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Isaiah Brown

Ella Frances Voltz

UWRT 1102-026
August 26, 2015
Journal #1
The music is very soothing but it makes me a little sleepier than anything else. It
was so difficult to get up this morning. Wednesdays are not going to be a good day
for me. I hope I can pass English this time and at least get a B. That reminds me, I
have to call the air force reserves officer and see if I can enroll. I cant wait for
Japanese class and see how the semester will play out. I will get an A in that class
this semester. I hate that I still have to read those assigned readings and type a
paper already for my international studies course. I honestly just want to go back to
sleep but have too much work to do. What would the 4 th and 5th dimension be like if
it really existed? This should be an interesting semester for me and I cant fail any
classes. What would it be like to be a superhuman? To travel faster than the speed
of light would be awesome. To be able to destroy a planet puts a smile on my face.
Its all I dream about now a days and its just a continuous story. My dreams usually
follow a story line, but sometimes interruptions come during the night and I think
about something else that might have recently happened. Most of my dreams
usually fall around the idea of balance. Water, fire, earth and air were under my
influence and I was balanced in every way. You could say I was dreaming myself as
a alternate superman.

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