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Peter Dunst

WRTC 103
Reflection Letter

My writing has improved and developed this semester in WRTC as I went from
a below average college writer to a solid college writer. What I mean by that is, at
the beginning of this semester I wrote like a high schooler would write with the
lacking sentence structure and vocabulary, but with the help of my professors
office hours I was able to go through my writing and identify common issues that I
struggle with in many of my writing pieces. Some specific skills that I have gained
as a result of this course is my ability to self-edit my papers, and my ability to have
varying, engaging sentence starters.
Lessons that Ive learned from this class about writing that I can apply to my
other classes, is the ability to write towards different audiences and in different
formats, from to writing about my own perception of an issue that impacts me
directly, to writing text and creating an infographic for a webpage. All of these hold
different audiences and required me as the writer to approach them from different
angles and different point of views.
To overcome some challenges I faced this semester I resulted to bringing my
work to my professor during her office hours to have her look over what I had
written until that point and to hear some of her ideas for how to improve my claim
or point of view. I also utilized the peer editing we did in class to overcome some
issues I was having with my writing that I needed a second set of eyes on.
My strengths in writing are my ability to plan and organize my idea in an
outline to make the writing of my paper easier. Another strength of mine is to
elaborate on the small ideas that support my claims, providing the audience with
more than enough evidence.
I still need to develop as a writer with my self-editing skills, in the sense of I
need to be able to read aloud my work and listen for mistakes in grammar or
spelling. Another area that still needs work is my introductions and how I grab the
readers attention. Im very textbook with my hooks and I need to be more creative
with them as no one wants to read a piece that starts off boring.

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