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ENGL 2100 Reflection

English has always made me afraid, and one of the reasons that Ive chosen Mechanical
Engineering as my career field was because I thought I was going to get away with no writing
and minor communication. To my surprise, Ive learned that Mechanical Engineering requires as
much (proper) writing skills and communication as any other career field and it is also a very
important part of this career field.
The main thing that Ive learned in this class was the how important communication and
proper writing skills are in Mechanical Engineering. Ive also learned that to be successful in my
future career I need to learn how to do this properly to not only be able to express my ideas
clearly, but to also show professionalism.
My writing improved a lot since Ive started this class. Ive learned that the English
subject does not only cover essays but also emails, phone calls, memos, and presentations (to be
honest I didnt know this before this class). In my previous job, I had to write emails, memos and
presentations and if I wouldve taken this class before getting hired, it would have saved me a lot
of headaches.
In my opinion, the most important and beneficial project in this class was project 2.
Having to work with a group made me realize how important it is to communicate clearly and
effectively to come to an agreement and get the job done. This project made me improve my
trust (trusting others is not easy sometimes but we cant always do everything by ourselves) and I
feel more comfortable relying on other people for help and advice about a project and moving
forward together to meet a deadline.

Im looking forward to apply this concepts that Ive learned in my future job. Ive been
using some of these skills already in my personal life. For example, I now make an effort to write
emails the proper way. I can also build a good resume that will help me get a job in the future.

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