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Nichole Cordero

Professor Gifford
Eng 50 T/Th
10 December 2015
Blurb #1
For this essay we focused on the book Persepolis, the reading was interesting and not like
most books Ive read and analyzed over before. I learned more about the authors message for
the reader and it was interesting to learn about visual rhetoric and what the unspoken language
the reader is effected by better than words can ever explain. I had changed what needed the most
editing by moving the third paragraph to the first, like Professor Gifford had suggested, it made
more sense to have it there so it can make my organization stronger. The fragments in my paper
needed to be reworded and I made the connection they needed so they can make more sense. I
also took the time to put more detail into my conclusion so I wouldnt just end abruptly. My
citation page was not in the MLA format, I had realized that I did not input the hanging indent
for it so I fixed that error.

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