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Monica Vander Woude

Date: Nov 18, 2013
All periods

Time : 11:20- 2:30


The American Revolution Review Lesson Plan

Specific objective to meet goals
Students will be able to look at past information that they have been given and answer
questions from it.
Students will be able to review information for a test.
Common Core Standard # 8 (High School Modern World History)
Enlightenment ideas on the relationship of the individual and the government influenced
the American War of Independence.
Motivational Techniques
Show students a slide of pictures from the revolution to spark their interest and
Materials Needed
Review worksheet, power point presentation that includes pictures, copy of the notes
Procedure for the lesson
-Students will come in and will first complete the question of the day and turn in any
homework form the class before
- Students will then be asked to take out their review worksheet and notes.
- The class will be asked if they have any questions from the previous class.
- Next the students will begin the power point with the collage of pictures and be asked to
discuss these pictures in relation to their review worksheet.
- Following this the students and I will begin to go over the review worksheet that was
put up on the power point.
- The students will be encouraged to voice any questions in regards to the worksheet and
the test that will occur with in the next two days
Academic Language
Constitution Federalism, Enlightenment, Bill of Rights, Confederation
Assessment Method

The students will be taking a test on the topics with in two days on this lesson.
Evaluation of the Field Experience Students Performance
This lesson went like a majority of other lesson that I taught in the
class. The students were respectful and listened and were able to
answer a majority of the questions that I asked. Like previous lessons
the first two classes were ready to answer and willing to participate.
However this is of course was different for the last class that I taught
the lesson to. These students were respectful and at least attempted to
make the appearance that they were listening but they did not partake
in the possible discussions at all. Overall I was pleased with the
success of the lesson and was able to walk away with better ways to
review with students such as more interactive questions and trying to
gain their interest better with stories and pictures from the topic area
that is being reviewed.

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