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Demographics and Population Health Assignment

Demographics and Population Health Assignment

Tania Mejia
October 8th 2015
California State University San Bernardino
Dr. Verissimo

Demographics and Population Health Assignment

Looking at the website under San Bernardino,
California. The first thing that stands out to me is that there are more
Hispanic and Latinos in the San Bernardino area than there are whites.
Making Hispanics the majority. Also I see that whites as compared to
the states percentage are about 10% less in san Bernardino and
Hispanics and Latinos make up 23% more than the states percentage.
Just by looking at these numbers I can see that the top three groups in
San Bernardino are in ranking order: Hispanics or Latinos, White(s)
alone, and Blacks or African Americans. The second fact that stands
out is the Median Household Income. It is $38,385 while California
states median household income is $61,094. It is way below the states
threshold which I believe means that San Bernardino is a low
socioeconomic city.
After reading Race Vs. Ethnicity Vs. Culture I personally define
race as a longtime pre-determined set of categories a person can fit
into. Race has long believed to be a biological but instead now we see
that it is just a social construct. Ethnicity is best describes as a better
way to categorize people because it takes into account a persons
background and ancestors. Culture takes into account customs and all
other aspects certain groups have in common not just how people look.
I would more than likely agree with the categorization of culture rather
than the other choices.

Demographics and Population Health Assignment

In the social characteristics section of the census I noticed that
the head of household with a family for a Female is 99,084 and for the
Male head of household is 43,952. The number for a Female head of
household is double that compared to their male counterparts. That is
a normal statistic because we are used to seeing women be the
caretakers of the family and the men usually are given the dead beat
dad stereotype. Given that men actually stay and take care of their
family that stereotype obviously isnt correct.

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