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Final: Successes and Failures Reflection

I am really glad that I experienced English 1A during the Fall semester with Professor
Hanvey. I could have gone to English 1B; however I was worried that I would have trouble
understanding it if I were too far ahead. I was assigned an essay that I thought was interesting to
talk about. The essay was about a discourse community that you would fit into. I decided to talk
about my interest within the field of Dentistry. I am simply fascinated by the work they perform
on patients. From the teeth cleaning to the tooth extractions. I thought that this essay was my
most successful before ending the year because I had an insight within this community. I am a
certified dental assistant and knew the procedures that each worker performed. The essay has
given me the opportunity to interview some of my old co-workers which helped me ultimately
get an A for my essay. Overall, I learned that I like to go the extra mile when researching
something as well as elaborate more when it comes to something I have a passion for which is
dentistry. Along with my successes, I have learned to overcome my unsuccessful experiences.
During the midterm reflection, I was unsuccessful at completing RRJs for full points. I found out
that I lacked quality discussion questions as well as the lack of words that were important to the
text. After receiving such a low grade, I promised myself to think more critically about forming
questions, read the book carefully while thinking to myself the words that help me understand
the text, as well as finally double checking the RRJ assignment before submitting. All in all, I
successfully overcame this bad experience because I had set objective for myself when doing the
RRJs. These objectives helped me reflect back to my bad experiences which led me to fix my
setback. The only way for me to grow from this experience was to learn from my previous
mistakes. Setting objectives has help me become more successful in the end because it

encourages me to get a better grade next time. It has overall helped me learn to create a plan as
well as become more disciplined and less lazy.

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