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Do you like this topic? If so what do you like about this topic?

The audience we asked in our focus group all agreed that they liked our
topic and thought it was relevant as everything our generation does is
evolved around using their phone They also stated that everyone has a
phone therefore its relatable to watch. This opinion in some ways could
show how obsessed the younger generation is as they just presumed
everyone has a phone because they do. This opinion links to the whole
message we receive throughout filming for our documentary- the
younger generation are obsessed.
Do you think mobile phones are a positive/ negative issue? If so
Audience gave a balanced opinion on how mobiles are good and bad,
good because you can contact people however bad because theyre a
big distraction. One member says they think mobiles are a positive thing
completely as it would be impossible to get in contact with others.
Would you be interested in a documentary featuring a mobile
phone obsession?
All members of the focus group said yes and that they would watch it,
this focus group we completed emphasizes to us that our main target
audience is the subjects in the documentary itself- the younger
Do you think there is a difference between generations regarding
technology? Explain this difference.
All agree there is a significant difference between generations and the
difference comes from who grew up with the technology and who didnt,
the older generation doesnt understand why the younger generations
are so obsessed, they argue its because we grew up with it so we dont
know any different. Whereas the older generation had to adapt to it.

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