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Bald eagles need lots of free

space to move in, and room to fly
or stretch their wings.
When you hold them make sure
that you are wearing a very thick
glove, because their talons
(claws) are very sharp.
Feeding - Feed the eagle raw
meat mixed in a blender with
added water. You can also feed
them live or dead mice and rats
bought from pet stores. Don't
feed the eagle a mouse that was
caught, because the mouse may
have eaten poison before it died
and this can harm the eagle.

I kept an eagle for about 7 years

until I let it go, and these are the
things that I fed it.
The balds eats
The bald eagle loves eating fish
such as trout and salmon. In
spite of the fact that the bald
eagles are hunter-capable, prefer
to look for a free meal.

Not deforest is one way to avoid its extinction,

also avoid hunt them down in great quantity and
avoid the use of pesticides

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