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Public Policy

MDE STANDARD: Social Studies

Learning Outcome:
-Students will learn about a current public policy issue
-Students will learn collaboration, power point fundamentals, and presentation skills
-Students will learn how to view things from another perspective
-Students will learn how to have a respectful debate. (No name-calling)
1. When put in to group with peers for twenty minutes, students will be able to
prepare a five-minute class presentation with a power point where each student
presents for a near equal amount of time.
2. Students will be able to write a small paragraph, correctly answering questions
given by the teacher about different perspectives of a public policy issue without
any references.
3. Students will be able to present a specific viewpoint stating all the requested by
the teacher on a public policy to the class in a 3-5 minute time period.

1. Teacher will view the presentation with the power point presented by the
students. Teacher will see if presentation lasts approximately five minutes, the
power point has three slides minimum, and that each student in the group
presented for similar amounts of time.
2. Teacher will put name of each interest group on the projector and ask students to
write 2-3 sentences on the viewpoint of each interest group on the Keystone
Pipeline. Teacher will collect and view each one to see if individual students
grasped the presentations
3. Teacher will time the presentation and see if the group met the time requirement
and stated their viewpoint in that amount of time.
Technology used:
1. Students will use the computer lab during this class period. Once in the lab
students will work together to research and make a 3 slide minimum power
point in 30 minutes. After, we will return to the classroom where the students
will use the projector to present their powerpoint.
ASSURE model:

1. Analyze learners:
-Students are in a ninth grade Social Studies classroom
-The students sill still be relatively new to the classroom since the
objective is one of the first ones for ninth grade
2. State standards and objectives
-Examine and evaluate a public policy issue
-Students can work with peers, make a power point, and present an
issue to the classroom
3. Select strategies, technology, media, and materials
-Being in the computer lab (Teacher can help with stuck groups)
-Students will use power point
-Students will use the projector in the classroom
4. Utilize technology, media, and materials (5 Ps process is outlined)
-Teacher will make sure projector is working
-Teacher will reserve computer lab
-Teacher will have all research done on interest groups done previously
-Teacher will ask a colleague to make sure the lesson plan is effective.
5. Required learner participation
-Students must assist group in making the power point
-Each individual student will present his or her research for an equal
amount of time
6. Evaluate and revise
-Did the class participate?
-Did the answer the questions correctly?
-Was work distributed equally in the groups?

#3 The End
Learners Prior Knowledge: (What must they know, what skills must they have)
-Learners will need rudimentary skills in basic power point creation
-Learners must know how to do research on the Internet
-Learners must be able to work with other students respectfully
-Students must feel comfortable speaking in front of peers
Lesson Experience: (Learner perspective)
-Students will be working in groups and making a presentation. They will then
present their findings in the form of the power point to the class and be asked
questions on the other findings
Instructional Plan: (Teacher Perspective)
1. 5 min: Teacher will take attendance and number students off in groups of
1 to 4

2. 5 min: Teacher will walk class to computer lab and make sure they are
sitting by groups.
3. 10 min: Teacher will talk briefly about the Keystone Pipeline and give each
group their interest group. 1: Transcanada corporation 2:
environmentalists 3: Residents of Sand Dune, Nebraska, 4: Other oil
4. 25 min: Teacher will let students research their group and create a 3 slide
powerpoint answering the question Should the Keystone pipeline be
5. 5 Min: Teacher will walk students back to classroom
6. 20 Min: Students will present their power point to the classroom
7. 5 Min: Teacher will list each interest group on the board and ask students
to write a 2-3 sentence paragraph on each group asking if that group
thinks the pipeline should be allowed in America?
8. Teacher will collect the papers
9. Class dismissed
Required Materials (Teachers list):
Computer lab
Lesson Materials: (example of worksheets, websites, textbook pages, etc.)
Teacher will have links provided to information about the keystone pipeline.

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