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What happened? = Qu pas?

Sailor = marinero
Ship = barco
Aunt = ta
Uncle = to
Art = Arte
Group = grupo Peace = paz
Hit song = cancin de xito
Famous = famoso
Crazy = loco
1. Where did John's father work?
2. When did John's mother die?
3. What did John like at school?
4. What did John love?
5. Where did the Beatles play?
6. Where did Brian Epstein discover them?
7. When did John marry Cynthia Powell?
8. Who did John marry in 1969?
9. Where did they stay for a week?
10. When did John die?
Los verbos regulares de 'Past Simple' en ingls terminan en 'ed
Did' es el pasado de 'do' y 'does', y lo usamos mucho para preguntar sobre el pa
Fjate que el verbo principal se queda en infinitivo ( sin 'to' )
Ej. Where did John's father work?

What time did the film start yesterday?

Did you visit your mum last month?
When did your brother start university?
What time did the restaurant open last Friday?
When did you go skiing last year?

1. He was born in Liverpool, England.

2. Yes, he did.
3. He started The Beatles in 1960.
4. There were four people in The Beatles.
5. He discovered them in The Cavern Club, Liverpool.
6. Julian was his first son.
7. No, he didn t. He lived with his aunt and uncle.
8. He stayed in bed with Yoko Ono for a week.
9. No, they didn t. They helped The Rolling Stones.
10.He was forty when he died.

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