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Alejandra Lozano

Professor Amber Ward

ART 133-07
The chapter Meaning (p.216-231) in Daniel. H. Pinks book A Whole New Mind,
is a very interesting chapter; the meaning of life comes up, as well as the making
meaning of life. Pink (p. 216,217) speaks about a man named Vikron Frankl, who went
was in Auschwitz during WWII, the man wrote a book Mans Search for Meaning
where Frankl says mans main concern is not to fain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather
to see a meaning in his life. Pink says we live in an era of abundance, with standards
of living unmatched in the history of the world... if Frankl and his fellow prisoners could
pursue meaning from Auschwitz, we can do the same from the comfort of our
abundant lives. (p.218.) Finding meaning in life is something that has been talked about
for ages, and we can start by finding meaning in small things in life.
This chapter of Pink was very confusing for me, I still dont understand
everything I read in this chapter, so I wouldnt really know how to incorporated into a
classroom. Pink (p.225) DR. Robert Firestone is quoted saying along the lines of Youll
only find the meaning of life by giving meaning to your life; the quote makes me believe
that perhaps everything has meaning and we just have to find it, and by using the VTS
exercise we can teach children to find meaning in small things like images, and that will
lead to them thinking critically in other life situations. In conclusion by finding meaning
in images that leads to finding meaning in actions and makes us think more critically of
the why of things.
Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: Why right-brainers will rule the future. New York,
NY: The Berkeley Group.

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