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Monica Vander Woude

Feb 21, 2014

Subject: Civics

Mr. Abram
Time : Mon & Wed 11:30-2:30

Ohio State Standard #3

Teacher understands and use varied assessments to inform instruction
evaluate and ensure student learning.
Element C
Teachers analyze data to monitor student progress and learning and to
plan differentiate and modify instruction.
Competency C
Field Student has assisted in testing situations and the collection of
assessment artifacts.
This standard, element, and competency all relate to how students are
assessed. As a field student I have assisted in testing situations and
the collection of the assessment artifacts. During this situation I was
not only able to monitor the students progress by grading the tests on
completion but I was also able to monitor the students reactions to the
tests during the assessment. This gave me an understanding of the
students behavior during tests while also giving me an understanding
of where the students placement was in regards to the vocabulary
that was on the test. Both of these tie into the element and the
standard. Grasping a base level understanding of where the students
are through assessment and then modifying and differentiating further
lesson plans accordingly allows a teacher to have a over clearer picture
of what the students know of the material.

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