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Doug Anderson

Professor Ward
Art 133
Unit Paper #3
Throughout history and across cultures people have been concerned with vulnerability.
They may not show it, but the way vulnerability is present in every culture shapes how its
people interact. This unit has had studios and readings in which we analyze what vulnerability is
and how it is within each of us. Our empathy braid studio was supposed to be something that we
chose to show vulnerability in a time of our lives. I chose to do a running shoe with two different
medals on the side each having opposite mileage lengths. It shows that you must be vulnerable to
start training and accomplish something. You must be willing to suffer through training to
accomplish a greater goal like running a marathon. The next studio we just completed was the
graphic editorial which was two or more images layered to give it a deeper meaning. Mine
showed a heart around a woman and dog symbolizing the bond between two living beings.
In our reading by Eldridge there was a study done by many researchers in 1994 that
indicated the positive correlation between caring and learning. The schools that showed their
students more care had higher testing and academic scores. (Tarlow, 1994) (Eldrige, 2012). The
vulnerability of the school allowed it to be more caring and its teachers must have been very
vulnerable to put themselves out there for the children and use a different style of teaching. Most
teachers just stick to the script and teach what they are told to teach. When you are vulnerable
you allow yourself to care more and this helps education. I think this will be important to
remember when I begin to teach. This unit has taught me that vulnerability is important for
personal growth and having an open mind like in our Miley/Nicki discussion.
Eldridge, L. A. (2012). The ethic of caring holistically for art students: Esmeraldas boutique. In
L. H. Campbell & S. Simmons III (Eds.), The heart of education: Holistic approaches
(pp. 287-296). Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.

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