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Doug Anderson

Professor Ward
Art 133 am
Unit Paper #4
Throughout history and across cultures people have been concerned with play. The way
children play is very important regarding their further development into adults. Adults and
children both can benefit from play. Being creative with play is also very important for children.
In our reading by Svekely, he states Children can also change the rules and art teachers need to
step aside (Svekely, 2012. P. 76). When an instructor give instruction for an art project having to
do with the topic of play, the instructor should be open to new ideas and ways to improve the
project. Children shape their minds by being creative and free. Our class did a studio in which
we were allowed one hour of free play using many different art mediums. This was a way for our
class to get creative and all make different pieces of art. I created a collage whereas others
painted pictures on canvases.
When our professor allowed the class to have the free play time, I felt a bit overwhelmed
by the lack of instruction and all of the materials present. I eventually came up with a project and
had lots of fun. I believe art and free play with art needs to be a requirement in schools. Playing
gives art back to the experts children, who are comfortable and familiar with this art form
(Svekely, 2012, p. 76). Svekely states here how important it is for children to be comfortable and
to be able to express themselves. Play is one of the most important parts of a childs life and their
ability to express it through art only encourages a brighter future.
Szekely, G. (2011). Testing the world through play and art. In D. B. Jaquith & N. E. Hathaway
(Eds.), The learner directed classroom: Developing creative thinking skills through art
(pp. 64-76). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

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