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Experimental Journal
Its 7:00a.m and Carlas alarm sound to wake her up. Stretching and yawning, she
rolled over and found that she had been sleeping alone. In panic, she hopped out of bed
and began to pace back and forth while pulling at her hair and slapping herself. The
conversation led to the bathroom mirror, where she stared emotionlessly for almost fortyfive minutes. Carla analyzed herself from the waist up. She didnt like anything about
being Carla. She wouldve preferred to be one of her friends. For example, Meghan, a
successful entrepreneur, with a husband and two wonderful children or Kat, a high paid
web designer for a big ten company. She would love to be anything and anybody other
than herself. It seems like every morning, Carla wakes up and imagine what her life
would be like if she would have stayed in college and earned a degree like the rest of her
friends. Instead, shes left with the consequences of dropping out of school to live that
That life was short lived for Carla. She blew through her savings account and
her parents cut her off. She was forced to work minimum wage jobs to pay for her tacky
apartment and now she sits there every day and night, lonely and depressed. The only
time she gets out is to go to her job. Fed up with feeling like nothing, she storms out of
the house and walks for miles. She comes across a giant tower. There, Carla finds stairs
to the top and she walks them. When she finally reached the top of the tower, she stood
on the edge. A million thoughts raced through her head. She wondered the same thoughts
from the mirror. She thought the world would be a better place without her. Carla closed
her eyes, confessed her sins, but before she could jump, her two friends Meghan and Kat
pulled her back into their arms.

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