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WW II Scavenger Hunt

1. Who took over in the Soviet Union after Lenins death?

2. Name 3 Characteristics of a Totalitarian State?
3. Who was Il Duce, What country did he lead?
4. What is the term for Prejudice against Jews?
5. What Political party did Adolph Hitler lead?
6. What was the name of the book that Hitler wrote while in prison?
7. What 2 youth organizations did Hitler start in Germany?
8. The mass murder of 200,000 Chinese by Japan was known as what?
9. What side was victorious in the Spanish American War?
10. Giving into an enemy to maintain peace is known as what?
11. What made it hard for Britain and France to protect Poland?
12. Who were the main representatives of the Axis Powers?
13. Who were the Main representatives of the Allies?
14. What two sides did America take in regards to US involvement in WWII?
15. Who was the Japanese General who became the Japanese prime minister?
16. What finally MADE the United States enter the War, what was the date?
17. Who was the commander of US forces in Asia/Pacific?
18. Where did the Bataan Death March occur?
19. What jobs did the Women in the Womens Army Corps do?
20. Which of the Hawaiian Islands is Pearl Harbor on?
21. What 3 ships suffered irreparable damage during the Pearl Harbor attacks?
22. What agreement between the US and Britain was signed off the coast of
23. What did Italy, Germany, and Japan sign in 1940?

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