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What If Metropolis

Sarah Hall

Carol Long
Drawing influence from
plant and animal life she is
fascinated by the small
complexities of the micro
aspects of nature. Her work
continues to evolve as she
experiments with new ways of
expressing the tiny beautiful
intrinsic qualities of nature
that we often take for granted.

The City of Orabelle

When you enter the dome , it may seem like you have never left the outside forests , exotic
trees of many colours , overgrown shrubs , vines and flowers have conquered the area and
stretch high above the city , spreading their branches across and up through the shards of
glass. Following the maze of branches, your eyes lead you to the centre of the city where the
centre pillar stands, securing all surrounding resident houses in place. During the middle
of the day, only minimal light is shown through the blanket of branches covering the majority
of the inner dome.
As you look up, distorted sphere like forms can be seen .Houses made of clay slathered
with mud, leaves and bark reinforced the fragile decorative pieces of architecture that float
above the city. They hover above the four central paths leading to the centre of the city, all
leading up to a circular platform where the oak tree support is grounded. Surrounded, there
are multiple cherry blossom trees growing in a ring in the centre of the road.

Build Up

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