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Re: Reflective Journal: My Journey to Becoming a Reflective Practitioner | by Nisha Gidharty - Monday, 8 November 2018, 7:52 PM A TRUE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER: OPTIMISTIC, COMPOSED AND CONFIDENT | was requited to post 2 collaborative assignment before midnight on November seventh. However, itwas difficult to acquire the assignment from the individual wortang on the final piece due to the sizeof te fle. My intemiet also faled due ta increment weather conditions in St Lucia, When | was finally able to access internet connection, [realized that the portal had been closed. In spite ofthe time quickly creeping up on us as we stived to put the final touches to the video, I felt optimstic that we would have been able to meet the deadline. | trusted my peers and that the grades were as important to them as it was to me and | knew that they would have done whatever possible to post the assignment in time, However, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong, (Murphy) and everything cid go wrong, Firsly, the fle ‘was too big to upload or to ema to group members; secondly, my intetnet faled and so did that of my peer in St. Lucia In spite of tall | remained calm hoping that Mi Dwanker would understand and that | would be able to post the following day. It was not until morning that | began to fee that familiar nervous feeling building in the pit of my stomach when | opened the portal and | was unable to post. Added to that, Mr. Dwarika was unaware ofthe problem and although many of us tried to explain, and he tried to help, | was left in a state of disbellt when by Saturday ‘evening nothing could have been dane. After finally being able to upload the assignment on Monday afternoon, I felt relieved yet as I discussed with one of my colleagues, thal pang of salisfaction was Soon replaced with ‘disappointment. | was disappointed that the documentary produced was not up to my standard and | blamed myselt {or not doing a better job on behalf of my team. Finally, | am somewhat proud of myself for practcing remembering and practicing reflection in action, as it helped me to remain compased throughout the experience. | do believe that | am now a true reflective practioner in aclion. This experience taught me many valuable lessons. Filly, | stiould not be atraid to speak my mind. Reflecting on the experience, | am now aware that the outcome could have been different had | only said what was needed to be said to my group members. We wasted lots of valuable me trying ‘suggestions that | knew would fail rather than working on ideas that had already been well thought cut and presented, | also learned that | should not take time for granted. When planning, | was sure that we would have fad sufficient time to compte the assignment but I was defintely wrong. | also learned the dangers of assumung that even peooie at university level are no as academically inclined as others nor are they al familar with even the simplest forms of. LUANG (xe! 5, GL SEPANG GESTS, 201. GR ALAN ATURE RRS EL ww avoid pointing blame particularly at myself | was grateful thal it had worked out in the end at least to some extent and that | had gained vakiable knowledge forthe future. However, | am stil of the opinion that all of this could have been avoided i asa group, we had all done things different. In the fulure, fa sinvlar expesience arises | vil continue to remain calm, as my composure helped me to think clearly and be a beacon of reassurance to my grcup members and not over react and make @ bad situation worse. | would also contact help desk alot sooner, as the problem was solved after they were contacted but later than should have been done. | wil also try to avoid the experience in the first place by taking time to get to know the strenaths and weaknesses of my group members and being of mare help to them itnecessary. In retrospect, as disapoointed as | may have felt, this experience has truly been one to lean from for me, ‘Show parent | Reply

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