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Brooke Grundy

Biology 1010

Class Reflection

Ms. Hardys Biology 1010 class was very informative. Although I couldnt wrap my
mind around all the material we covered throughout the semester I was never bored because each
lecture I learned something that was new and though provoking.
Surprisingly enough I enjoyed learning about cell reproduction, mitosis I, and meiosis II.
The chapters were information packed and hard to sort out in my mind but knowing this is a
process constantly going on in our bodies makes it that much more interesting. One day in class
we watched mitosis in slow motion; prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase,
and cytokinesis. Incidentally a few months ago my sister had a miscarriage in her first trimester
and of course the doctor explained its normal if the embryo doesnt develop correctly. However
beyond that explanation you never have a clear understanding as to why or what went wrong in
the developing stages. I enjoyed learning about cell reproduction due to the fact I understand in a
little more depth why a woman may have a miscarriage or how apoptosis takes place. Over all I
learned a lot this semester and also enjoyed the professors sarcasm throughout our long threehour lectures.

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