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Mobeen CMobeen Chaudhry

Professor Rebecca Agosta
Looking back on my life
Throughout my 13 years of education there was always some thing
teachers pushed us to become better and better at no matter how mediocre
or great you were. There were many role models in my life to show me where
I wanted to be when I got older, some place where I felt that I could live my
life as I wanted to and not have to worry about others. Sometimes I found
solitude in my writing when I didnt want to tell others what I felt.

As I got older and older I had more and more sponsors that helped
support me and gave me initiative to want to excel in school, whether it was
writing, math, science, or social studies. My longest sponsor has been my
parents, because they were always there when I needed them no matter
what for. When I started slacking off in school they gave me initiatives such
as for every A I got I would get fifty-dollars, and being the kid that I was I
wanted to get every A that I could so I could buy what my parents wouldnt
for me. They always gave me a two-way scenario either I do what Im
supposed to in school, or I could slack off in school. If I chose to slack off in
school I wouldnt get what I wanted, or if I did really bad they would take
away my toys, TV, etc. But then if I did good in school I would get rewarded.

Mobeen CEven though I didnt like how my parents kind of made me do good in school
so that I could have all the new toys I wanted, or go and play sports for my
YMCA or rec teams. Now that I look back at it Im thankful for my parents
giving me the choices that they gave me, they gave me a blueprint for
success, they gave me the tools that were required for me being great in
school whether it was tutoring or just helping me on my homework when I
needed it. Without my parents support I would not be lucky enough to have
the opportunities presented to me.
My parents also enrolled me to play multiple sports in elementary
school. Then they gave me a choice as to which sport I wanted to play
through middle school and high school, I chose football and basketball. I
became the captain for football, in 8th grade we won conference and ended
the season undefeated. I was also the captain for my AAU basketball team
from 7th to 11th grade, my sophomore season we were ranked top 5 in the
state and I finished my basketball career still in the top 5. But sports didnt
only teach me to be competitive, it taught me leadership skills and it taught
me you have to have a great work ethic to be great at something.

When I was struggling in school, teachers were always very helpful in

whatever I was struggling in. Sophomore year when I was in pre calculus I
had completely bombed my first test because I was out for a week because
of pneumonia. My teacher had tutored me outside of school for three hours
and then she let me retake my test so that I wouldnt be penalized. Teachers

Mobeen Chelped me inside of school and even outside when I really needed it. Even
though we always had our differences, whether it was because of how harsh
a teacher was or how talkative I could be at times, they still treated me like
every other student, and gave me the exact tools that they gave everybody
else no matter how much they did not like me or how much they loved me. I
hated all of them for giving us all the homework that they did, but now I
realize how much it helped me become more successful in the classroom.
During my junior and senior years of high school I took AP English and
Literature. Because I had to endure treacherous readings and papers all year
long, I wasnt a very big fan of it but I still knew the benefits I would receive
for my future if I continued on the route. The year was long and required a lot
of work but at the end of it I was a completely changed writer. Because they
gave us very limited choices on what to write about it made It harder to write
a paper with very little margin for error. It prepared me for college and
writing with very unlimited potential for what we may write about. It made it
easier to write with no boundaries, because we had to learn to write within
very specific boundaries.

The most helpful was probably being critiqued by different individuals.

Different people see different faults in your writing, because of how they
perceive your stories. A critique can help you see faults you may not have
noticed by yourself. It is possible to miss mistakes in your writing because

Mobeen Cyou may think it sounds right, but in reality it should be the complete
opposite but since you wrote it you think its grammatically correct.

My senior year was really helpful in helping me becoming more

comfortable in what I write. All Throughout senior year we read countless
novels, such as Frankenstein, Hamlet, And the Wuthering Heights. We also
wrote countless papers whether it was for my senior project or my biology
class. It required countless hours and effort that was probably never put forth
in my writing before, it was very helpful in the development of my writing.
Because I was struggling with my writing I had stayed with many of my
teachers to help the progression of my writing, they gave me different advice
depending on what worked best for them. I adapted to the different
techniques and learned how to use the benefit of being an author, such as
building suspense so that the reader doesnt know what Is going to happen
and never using too much detail because then you might give away too
much information that should not yet be told to the audience which may
make the story less interesting to the audience and they may drop it if its too

Throughout most of my life I had many different sponsors, and

supporters in my life that helped me achieve success in my educational
career. They helped me build the foundation that I am now using to excel at
UNC Charlotte.

Mobeen C-

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