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15 Aerosmith
Steven Tyler tells us why
they’re on their final tour

21 Ozzy Osbourne
The making of his 11th studio
album ‘Blood Lust’

32 Journey
The reason why they’re back in
the charts and why they’re
going to stay there

44 Van Halen
How they influenced music as
we know it.

49 Airbourne
Are they the band that will
change the future of rock?

53 The Doors
Ray Manzerek describes the
final days of Jim Morrisons

58 Queen
Brian May indulges us with the
secrets of his success

65 Ramones
Flashback: Their success in the
70s and what went wrong.

5 Your say 7 We Meet
10 Richard Rants 13 Updates
74 Subscribe

Albums: AC/DC, Black Sabbath
Thin Lizzy, T-Rex, Boston,
Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple,
The Kinks, Def Leppard + more

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