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Jessica Vargas

Mr. Kelly
Class 3A
Nov 10, 2015
CAT-W #1

Good Schools Can Make Low-Income teenagers Healthier

Recent research found that low-income teenagers would be health students by attending
high performing. Researchers investigated 1,000 students, so they concluded that 36 percent of
the kids in high-performing schools had less risk to acquire bad behaviors compared with 42
percent of the teens who attended lower performing schools. They got unsafe behaviors such as
drinking large amounts of alcohol, having unsafe sex and using drugs.
On of the point in the article that I think is interesting is that better education will lead to
better health. Young people tend to acquire bad behaviors because they are starting their life, and
they usually have curious to try new things. If the teenagers have better quality of education
probably they dont fall down in risky behaviors. According to Dr. Michael Wong is a challenge
create much schools that serve kids well. Governments should make emphasis in the quality of
education in the low-income areas thereby they should avoid exposing the poor teens.
This article remained me of when I was in high school, and I studied in a catholic school.
Although we all had to pay for school, some students received scholarships. I had a friend called
Stefani, and we were in 11 grade. I knew that she was exposed to risky behaviors everyday such
as drugs and alcohol problems in her family, but I saw that she stayed away the unsafe behaviors
because She was growing with a better quality of education in her environment. I admired how

she made an effort to remain in the school avoiding the problems around her, and she advantage
the opportunity to studied in a private school.
In conclusion, low-income teenagers are usually faced risk behaviors, but if they have a
higher level of education; students may prevent acquire unsafe behaviors. I believe that if the
students have enough criterions to reject the temptation they can be a successful person. Doesnt
matter what social status they are.

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