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Spirit possessions: belief that animas, demons, extraterrestrials, gods, or spirits can take control of a human body

1. the Causes
1.Death. Very common and happens when a traumatic event such as rape or murder has led to a death. The event leaves a negative energy that makes a imprint that the spirt
cant let go. They typically have unfinished business with the living.
2.Living. Some spirts interact with the living, believing they are still alive. Theses spirits want help, reaching out to those with a connection to their lives. Connections made
with their similar clothes from when they were alive, similar families, or locations. Theses spirits could also want to share a message to the living.
3.Demonic. These spirts have one purpose and thats to cause destruction, stress or death. Consisting of black smoke and are black and shadow like or black and mist like as
well as black and fog like. Each of these varies in transparency
2. Signs of possession
1.Mild psychokinetic occurrence hearing or seeing doors and windows open or close. Lights going on and off. Windows locking on its own. Toys and items moving on its
own. Feeling a touch by something that isnt there.
2.Whispers and cries - Sudden crying and whispering. All of a sudden music is heard. Your name being called.
3.Known voices - hearing voices of someone they know that isnt there
4.Cold or hot spots - cold spots are any sudden variation in temperature is felt without any cause
5.Unexplained smells - sudden smell or fragrance of cologne or perfume or rotten food, which is not present coming and going without any cause. Paired with hearing of
voices, seeing shadows and so on.
6.Physical assault - hard shoves, scratches and even a slap.
7.Levitating or moving objects - pictures flying off from the walls, dinner plates moving on the table on its own, furniture moving on the floor and doors opening and closing
8.Uncontrolled behavior- desire and drive to do untypical behaviors
9.Frequent nightmares- nightmares, sleep walking and sleep disturbances also are experienced.
10.Objects missing and found in unexpected places objects disappear from where they are kept. Found in unexpected places
3. Help

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