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Eryon Dempsey

The advantages of groupwork are that you are able to get more done in a shorter amount
of time because you have several people doing different things all at once. Another thing that is
helpful is that you can get ideas you would have never thought before. Disadvantages of group
work is if your group does not work as a team and some or only one person is left with doing all
of the assigned work. Also as a group there could be a situation where the whole group does not
agree on a topic and you are stuck until there is an agreement.
The major challenge that I faced was that my group members were not at all dependable.
There is one situation where we decided to meet up at a certain time to work on our project and
my group members did not arrive until 45 minutes later. They would also not show up to class
and I would have to work on the project myself. But in the end they came through, which was
really good and they provided the last couple of pieces of our project. I overcame this challenge
by really pestering my group members to arrive on time or be in class.
There was not really anything new that I experienced with working within this group. For
the most part I would say that I would have to be more stern to get my partners to arrive on time.
If I had the chance of doing this project differently I would take it. some of the things I would
change is the topic and the genre. I guess I would want to change the whole thing just because
the topic we wrote about was not something I would have picked and I felt like we could have
picked a more successful topic. I would also make the effort to be in class more.

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