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Transition Planning Inventory-Second Edition TPI-2 Student Rating Form James R.Patton Gary M, Clark ‘The purpose af the Transition Planning Inventory—Second Editon (TP-2) i to help you to plan for your future based on your strengths, interests, preferences, and needs for leering. The TP-2 wil identify your knowledge and skills your preferences, and things you need to learn to help you prepare fr the next steps inyour future. Section 1. Student Information Name Form completion Date Birth Date. Schoo! ~ Parent’/Guardians Name. — Section 2. Likely Settings for Postsecondary Outcomes Directions: This section helps you identify wat your goals ae after you leave school These goals shoud focus on working learning (getting more schooling or training), and were you want to beliving, Check the boxes that are csest to your personal goals forthe frst year after high school ployment/Further Education or Taning (Check al thet apply.) LUving Arangement (Check one.) i Workuttime 1 tive by myst 1D Workipart-tme Live with athers who are not reiated tome (without adult supervision) 1D Community-based work training TO Live with my parents or other relatives CO Gareer-technical traning program © Live with others who ae not reltedto me (with adult supervision) 1 Callegeraniversty cies: Other. Section 3. Planning Areas Inventory Direction: Rate yourself based on what you thinks your current evel of knowledge and skills using a scale of Oto 5 to indicate you level of agreement with each statement. For example you disagree with statement, you should select 0, or. you gre with statement, selec 3,4, 015. you strongly disagree with 2 statement, select. Ifyou strongly agre with a statement select. Ifyou donot think planning i necessary because a statement does ot fit you select NA (or “nat appropriate’) Ifthe statement its you but you donot know your level of competence, select DK (for “don't know) Strongly Not Disagree Don't Know Planning Areas Appropriate 0 TO WORKING: CAREER CHOICE AND PLANNING 1. eanname occupations think | woud ik the most. NA o 4 2 3 4 5 ok 2. know about jobs lam interested in and what they require. NA o 1 2 3 4 5 ok 3. choose jobs that fit my interests, preferences, and strengths NA o 1 2 3 4 5. 0K 4. Thnow howto get job, NA o 1 2 3 4 5 OK 1 20,200,157 PRO-E n. tional ois this form 1417) maybe purchased from RO-ED, 70 Shoo ee Ble, usin 175757857 234567890 2DAMDH BT WEY 1897-5202, Fa 80357-7633, wpm Planning Areas WORKING: EMPLOYMENT KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS 5 6 ‘have the general job sills need to keep ajob Ihave the wok atitudes need to keep a job ‘have the specific knowledge and skis needed fran entry-level jb that have an interest in, ‘know hove to change jobs. ‘know how to get ito a community work orjob-rining program, ifmeeded,forajob want. LEARNING: FURTHER EDUCATION/TRAINING Ifyou do not have any plans at this time to goto college or a career-technical schoo! after high school, ‘Appropriate NA NA strongly Disagree sswer each statement in this section (Items 10-13) with NA. Ifyou ddo plan to attend or think you might ater a few years, go ahead and rate yourself on each of these items. 10. B. know how to getinto a college ocree-tedhnic program that mest my nets. "have the study and organization sls expected by instructors in a college or career-technical program, {now how to get the help that need in a college or career-tecnical program from the office of serves for students with sabi {know howto get the hep I need from classmate, ends family, or ther soures while na college or aeer technical program. LEARNING: FUNCTIONAL COMMUNICATION 4. v. have speaking sil will eed after high school [speaking may include manualtacte/isual/aultory communication and/or assistive technology devices services] ‘have listening skill need ater high school [Ustening may include manualtactileisua/auditory ‘communication and/or assistive technology devices/services] ‘have reaing sks wil eed ater high schoo {Reading may include manuatactleisua/auitory ‘communication and/or assistive technology devices services] ‘have writing kil wil need afte highschool (Wiring may include manualtactileisuaVaultory communication and/or assistive technology devices services} NA NA NA NA NA 0K 0K OK ok OK 0K ok OK ok 0K 0k Planning Areas LEARNING: SELF-DETERMINATION 1B. Bw. 2 2. zB. 24 %. Ul understand my strengths and imitations. | cam explain how my disability affects my if Ian speak up formy se interess and needs | make my own decisions about my personal fe, [set goals for myself based on my ow preferences, interests, strengths, and needs [plan for eaching my goals and follow through to make my plans work, ‘know my basic legal rights ‘know how to make legal decison affecting my if Not Appropriate wa sa Na Na NA NA NA NA strongly Disagree Q ok Ok Dk ok oK LIVING: INDEPENDENT LIVING 2%, uy. 2B. 2 30. 3 {know how to finda place to ive when | eave home, now how to do routine household task, |Ienow how to take cae of basic home maintenance and reps. | solve problems that come upin new or unexpected situations. ‘know how tobe careful in situation that might be harmful tome | enow how to use everyday technology NA NA NA NA NA NA LIVING: PERSONAL MONEY MANAGEMENT 22. 3B. 34 3. "uy everyday tems that need or want. know how to pay bil. know how to use a checking, savings, credit card, o other typeof account. ‘know how to budget and manage my money. NA R ok Ok 0K 0K Ok ok OK ‘Strongly Not Disagree Planning Areas Appropriate 0 = 123g LIVING: COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND USAGE 36. amaresponsible citizen and respec the law. NA o 1 2 3 4 5 mK 37. [find and use businesses to buy things need, NA o 1 2 3 4 5 ok 38. know how to get help fom government programs to receive Na 0 12 3 4 5 om services or benefits, 39. know how to use local transportation systems when I need te, NA o 1 2 3 4 5 K 40, [know how to gett places | want to goin the community = 41. Iknow how to get a driver’ license, mA oO 1°23 4 5 mK LIVING: LEISURE ACTIVITIES 42, now what ike tod in my fe time NA 9 1 2 3 4 5 OK 43. Ido ferent kins of indoor leisure activities. NA o 1 203 4 5K ‘4, Ido diferent kinds of utdor leisure acts, NA o 1 2 3 4 5 OK 45. | goto diferent places for entertainment Na o 1 2 3 4 5 om “LIVING: HEALTH | : - 46, |stay physically heathy. NA o 1 2 3 4 5K 47. know howto take cae of physical problems that arise NA o 1 2 3 4 5 mK 48, | stay emotionally and mentally healthy. mM o 1 2 3 4 5K 48. | know how to take care of emotional and mental health problems NA o 1 2 3 4 5 OK thataise, 50. know howto make choices regarding seal behavior based NA o 1 2 3 4 5 mK on accurate information. LIVING: INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS 51, Igetalong well with family members and relatives. Na o 1 2 3 4 5 ok 52. I get along well wth people ouside of the family NA o 1 2 3 4 5 mk 53, | make and keep friend in diferent settings. NA Oo 10203 4 5 ok 5A. act appropriately in everday social settings. NA o 1 2 3 4 5K 55. know how to handle problems that ocur with other people A Oo 1 203 4 5 ok inpublic. 56. figure outhow to act appropriately in new social situations. NA o 102 3 4 5 ok 57. know about the skis and responsibilities ofbeing a parent. NA o 1 2 3 4 5 mK -- ——~ = “ —_—

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