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Why is this issue important?

Why is this issue important?... Contd

Our unrelenting demand for new

electronics is the cause for sexual

Our iPhones, laptops, video games

and cameras are causing
thousands of women their lives

Men and children are also victims

We are turning a blind eye to this

inhumane torture

Conflict Mineral
Tin: Inside cell
phones and all
electronic product
Makes around $85
million per year
(Prendergast, 2009)

Conflict Mineral (Contd)

Tantalum: Stores
electricity in
Makes around $8
million per year
(Prendergast, 2009)

Conflict Mineral (Contd)

Tungsten: Makes cell
phones vibrate
Earns around $2
million annually
(Prendergast, 2009)

Conflict Mineral (Contd)

Gold: Used in jewelry
and a component in
Earns about $44$88 million per
(Prendergast, 2009)

Companies Taking Action Against Conflict

Minerals Data From - 2010 (The Enough Project)

Americas Role

Kelly,J. Kabanga, J. Craigin, W. Alcayna-Stevens, L., Haider, S. et al. (2012). If your
husband doesnt humiliate you, other people wont: Gendered attitudes toward sexual violence in
eastern democratic republic of congo. Global Public Health, 7(3), 285-298.
Prendergast, John. "Can You Hear Congo Now? Cell Phones, Conflict Minerals, and the
Worst Sexual Violence in the World | Enough Project." Enough Project. Center for American
Progress, 1 Apr. 2009. Web. 26 Sept. 2015.
Nanivazo, Malokele. "Sexual Violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo." United
Nations University (2012): n. pag. 24 May 2012. Web. 25 Sept. 2015.

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