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Our Greatest Gift

She gave us our greatest gift, life, but she was much closer to us than that. She ushered us
into this life, enduring unbelievable pain, and in return she was blessed with us. This sentient
being was first known to us as a source of warmth, nourishment, and protection, and soon
enough a bond began to take form. Soon she became the bane of our existence whenever we
never saw eye to eye, and small tantrums were thrown. However as time passed they became
progressively stronger, deeper arguments, that often ended when one would storm off to isolate
themselves from the other. We have all experienced fights with our mothers; they could have
been small or gotten out of hand but they still happened, and she may have been temporarily
disappointed, but in the end she still cared, and loved us.
A while ago I fought with my mother, and the results were to be expected; one of us
stormed into our rooms, while the other stood, shocked, processing what was exchanged. After
that I felt a regret that was unmatched to any that I ever felt, and I instantly thought of what I
could do to mend the broken bond. From this moment on, I knew that we were not supposed to
argue with our mothers since they have sacrificed everything for us. The next morning I woke
early to make her Pancakes with Bacon; her favorite meal in an attempt to repair the bond. She
kindly accepted saying that she was not made, only disappointed in my actions. Now looking
back I realize that I fought over the smallest of problems; I was upset because I didnt get an
IPhone! What I want to say is that at the moment it was the most important thing to me, that I get
an IPhone, when I didnt even deserve one. It may have been a small fight, but that fight cut my
mother to her heart. This is because, mothers dont want to be hurt by their children, they want to
be glad, and prideful of their children, not regretful.
Our mothers only want the best for us, they wish not to cause us pain, or harm, but to
cherish us, and make them proud. You can see this in many ways, whether it be our mothers
getting second jobs, or making loans in order to feed us and make us feel loved. I have personal
experience in this, with my mother getting a second job to sustain my family. This was when I
used to live in California in a very poor neighborhood and my mother would leave me and my
older sisters alone in order to work a few extra hours to get the funds that just barely made us
enough for rent, and food. From this experience I know that all mothers only want the best for
their children, and will sacrifice themselves for the love of their child.
I hope that my mother knows that I acknowledge her sacrifices, and know that all she
wanted was the best for me. I believe that our mothers are the greatest gift ever given to us, and
we should thank them, and adore them for giving up all they have for us.

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