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PSI Practicum Goals

Name: Willow Duclos

Dates: November 16- December


Grade Level: 1/2 Split

To know how to effectively question students



Prepare questions
prior to the lesson.

Edutopia- 3 steps to
improving teacher

Scaffold the questions

in the lesson plan so
that I know what type
of questions to ask
the students for
higher-level thinking.

November 16December 16

My teacher associate
is able to help me
have the knowledge
of what type of
questions I should

Indicators of Success:
Students at all levels are able to answer the question I ask. As I
scaffold the questions should get a little tougher each time and will
allow the higher level-thinking students to think about what is being
I have given students enough information to make it possible to
answer those higher-level questions.

This goal was difficult to measure weather or not I have improved.
However, with feedback from my University consult and my Teacher
associate I was able to have written feedback about how I have done

with questioning. I also added to this goal by ensuring that every

student gets a chance to answer at least one question.

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