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Co-Existence and Migration Issues for IPv4 and IPv6

The aim of this project is to explain how is the co-existence of IPv4 and IPv6 during
this time and the migration process or mechanism needs to have a pure and secure
transition without big issues.


Show several issues produced by the co-existence of IPv4 and IP6 now a day.
Shows the transition mechanism needs it to avoid several issues, specially
regarding the security.
Develop through an experiment the process of transition from IPv4 to IP6.

El proposito de este proyecto es hacer un cake de chocolate con distintos tipos de
El proposito de mi proyecto es mostrar las diferentes formas de como realizar la
inmigracion desde IPv4 a IPv6 sin mayores problemas de por medio. Y l


Conseguir todos los ingredientes necesarios

Utilizer las proporciones correctas
Cocinar el cake de acuerdo a las instrucciiones dadas.

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