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Katherine Quintana

Enc1101/ Massey
October 23, 2015

Hotel Rwanda
I have seen various of movies, based on real life events and many of them have left me in shock.
Hotel Rwanda did not only leave me in shock but also brought tears to my eyes. It can be very
hard to accept reality at times, because you would never think a person has the heart to hurt
others the way the Hutus hurt and killed thousands of Tutsis.
I feel like many people were at fault for the cause of the Rwanda genocide. Of course the
people themselves, the ones that knifed and shot many innocent people. Then the Belgians who
divided and ruled strategy that triggered the war between the Hutus and Tutsi. Watching the film
and seeing all those dead bodies on the ground made me realize how much the race or the color
of a person had an effect back then. Even though until this day I am able to see how some people
mistreat those with darker skin, but the though of a whole group of people killing others is mindblowing.
It is very sad to know that even though many people were watching the massacre and still
did nothing about it. For example, in the movie the International community abounded Paul and
left him with no troops to look over them. I consider Paul to be a lifetime hero after watching this
movie. He decided to put everyone else before himself and turned his hotel into a refugee for
thousands of people.

Racisms and war are still happening today; in my opinions I feel like the global
community is yet to learn their lesson. Whether it being the actual people involve or others that
watch and dont do anything to stop it. There are many wars and arguments in different countries
that are happening now, that break out of no where. No matter if they practice the same religion
and do the same thing a war can still break out, just like the Rwandan genocide. Communities
couldve asked for help knowing what was happening. The UN shouldve never backed out and
left them alone without protection.
Its a very cold reality knowing that I live in a world where situations like these are
happening, and there is no a lot of action taken upon it. The United States by themselves can
provide so much help to those other countries in need, but yet they dont. I hope that one day I
would be able to say, I live in a world that has world peace.

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