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BH OORIGAMI INTRODUCTION Origami, paper-folding, can be enjoyed by children and aaults alike, The forms I introduce in this book derive from basic patterns transmitted in Japan for perhaps a thousand years ‘As a traditional art origami has permeated deeply into ‘everyday life in Japan and helped form the versatility and treativity so many Japanese posses. I hope and expect that ‘origami will occupy a niche in the ives of future generations of ‘on-Japancse at well as Japanese. |s there a child who will not sit entranced as his mother’s hands move swiftly, strangely, to create an elephant, a rose, a spaceship, of other favorite animal or object? Kindergarten teachers recognize that chikiren feel a strange. attraction foward origami and make origami z00s and botany gardens filed with paper animals and flowers. The paper creations not only help initiate a happy dialogue between children and teachers but aso decorate the kindergarten rooms To practice origami requires only paper and a litte time Whether devotee or novice, therefore, one may enjoy the ‘origami art in every conceivable situation, While travelling, ‘origami is ideal for passing time alone of sharing pleasent moments with companions. Some people fold origami while ‘commuting, People are especially delighted when presented an origami ‘work created before their eyes. The traveller who takes origami {techniques home from Japan caries one of the fnest possible souvenirs, and an art that is close to all Japanese hearts. Content s Devits mask 2 Old rans mask i082 Fema donor's rash «#388 Golden gtos's mask +86 dn gt Buda’ mask eee 69 lon Mask for Chinese ope 87-88 Drapenty Tarofced mak s+ 00 Fp Hancing omamerts <+-- 62-117 Red and lack mask + 90-92 Wate ty Naneca case 8-64 Lorgosed bin --8 aria Table at - 8-65 Dama 1-9 ti Srl box Ct Fox mask orn Broad belltower +++ Banbop boat sso 6688 ee Lanrs oe Hyirangen Goitsh mobile STG folds Ses ‘Sarua holm “7 Bs nies tome No costar nn * Cari ite ay dots u-% 1 Busey Contr bat a 126 Foliage plat Sonar Dhessur ua 108 Jet plas Dojo dois mas Poy * (Bold mombers indicate color platen other fusbersindleate pages show ing paper folding ORIGAM: traneated by Thomas LLEllote © All righs reserve No.21 of Hoitusha's Color ex Published by Hoku Publishing Co. Li ‘tone, Uchikyuhojimuchl, Higashi-ku, Osaka, 64 Book Cade Number 0176°840021-7700. 1970, Thirteenth Edition in 1976, The baby kanlroo requires paper one-quarter the size of that needed for the grown angroo, Duo-colored paper was sed for the jumping pony ; (fold ing sequence on p-(01) rough textured paper wes used for the anaaroo. Kangaroo a make s double-humped camel. If you use slight f paper for the reindeer ite antlers will nt droop. your ingenuity to make a running reindeer Swan (folding seavence on 105) Raven A baby raven need paper required for an sely to the shape MTre crane fold is adhesive probably i illustrations, the standing cra mplicated, and an nthe Gf mitsumata paper while [ used soiun per for the ‘dul of the Bird in Flight With duo-eolored paper you ean ebtuin color variations by ke ther side, folding sequence on 9.109) Dragonfly A eS lf Broad bellflower Lily I used folkeraft paper for the iris, Torinoko paper for the broad. bellfloner, and “starmine” paper for the ily. Paper weed. ie monochrome, although Tused 4 different color for each flower, a i A III III¢ —_ los of bites dip {od from the front Caleta Sa a eptacle —Pigeon-shaped receptacle Pan craft make these. The paper tment The Core 8 si ‘Samurai helmet The slightest variation inf deliente shifts in the Nod Nohagostume A Fold carefully, Th Samurai helmet shape changes with the slightest variation in the folding angle Buddha's mask Golden ghosts mask Folkeraft paper was used for these masks. enna opers ine these approximate he Red and black mask Two-faced mask Long-nosed goblin f Pigeon in flight Pte tsa wn on ce Contents Samples: How to make them ~ Basie forms » Creative origami Basic forms Countes feu can be made after memoring oun Ss om The toms thems hoe roy ames nd are approached erry depending om te whoa cal the forms “eae,” "hat™ and forth Bot ty con be fen diferent ame The bac forme hae seat tes ‘ntioduced in photogmpt, andthe allowing pager shew to fold thee forms Some ofthe many shapes tat canbe ‘made from the basic forms are listed below. — From the basic crane fol: horse, elephant, cow, reindeer, monkey, bear, lion, cocker spaniel standing crane, raven, Java sparrow, dragonfly, grasshopper, flamingo, female demon's ‘mask, Buddha's mask, pharaoh's mask, praying man, other, ‘= From the basic hat fold: gorilla, sombrero, lower, frog, ‘Tokyo Tower, starfish, sea turtle, others f= From the basic camel fold: giraffe, rabbit, kangaroo, donkey, squirrel, sheep, reindeer, antelope, Dumbo the clephant, swan, parakeet, carp, craneshaped receptacle, death mask, others ‘= From the basic pony fold: jumping pony, lantern, hydrangea, mask for Chinese opera, others. Lizards as well as dinosaurs can be made from the basic dinosaur fold, while rays and turtles come from the basic turtle fold, Bids in Might, jet planes and kites all derive from the samme basic form, Golfish and cowboy hats ean also be made from the same basic fold. It is not diffiult to discover new basi folds for use in many figures. “The folding sequences for the basic forms appear ina series fof diagrams. The basie forms are explained in the following pases and not in the first part of this book. The reader should study the basic forms earefully in order to derive the maximum pleasure from origami 121 Pony base According os noted American origami artist, there are five basic forme: bird, water bomb (Japanese Dlayball, frog, diamond and fish. Opinions vary regard ing the basic forms, and variations depend only on the individual's creative ability. Pager td ih ie side Creative Origami “Traditional and creative origami ‘Traditional origami is represented by the crane, yakko-sn (Gervant) and a boat which changes its shape by manipulation, CChilduen learn all these from their parents. But when a person puts now ideas to work and devises new forms he is working in creative origami ‘In traditional origami the stme result could always be obtained if there was a dagrarn to follow, In eeatve organ however, different shapes are possible even when the same ‘thing is made because the Finished work bears the stamp of the folders personality This is especially 90 in & mask, The foldr's character and emotions appear to be delicately expressed in the work. I is strange thatthe size of the eyes and mouth and the length of the move are never the same, and that every mask has a different expression, One characteristic of creative origami is ‘thatthe individual's ability clearly marks his work Increase your observation In order to make birds and animals with origami, you must know their shape, movements and habits, otherwise a dog il not look like a dog anda sparrow will nt resemble a sparrow ‘When you make & mask chore i always a diffe facial expression whether you know the mask’s hi Iegend ot not, When you make Noh and other masks from drama, you may lose half the enjoyment of folding if you do rot know the drama and the particular character. For creative origami, too, you need an extensive general knowledge. One 129 must keenly observe and study what he wants to make. The main points of eretive origami are beauty and faithfulness to actual form, Tools are not necessary We use the words for sculpture and “paint” for Painting But say “fold” for origami. We need instruments for the former two activities but none forthe latter, Fingers are all ‘one needs for origami, but they must be trained A sheet of paper contains unlimited “invisible ios 0 ford fiom which we must choose the comrect lines for making a desired shape. Whether the paper is folded correctly of not depends solely on the folders sil, Formative beauty in origami ‘There are certain points essential for bringing out the beauty in origami When we test origami as an art, we need a delicate sensitivity even in the simplest folding action. Kenticl figures Folded by different persons reflect the different personalities of the folders. Thus, its important forthe folder to strive fr this sensitivity and to develop a sense for his material's qualities and color. One must choose the size, thickness, color and quality of paper tha best fits what he intends to make. It is not incorrect to use complicated methods when eating origami figures but itis better to use imple folding methods fo obtain more realistic forms. I hope that everyone ‘who attempts to create origami figures will observe certain principles, and study ways to express beauty in their work 130 Principle of creative origami A group 1 established for studying creative origami forbids the use of seisors on principle. Abiding by this rule exeatine borigami's enjoyment becames Wofold. If you use seisors too frely,origamt approaches too closely to kirgom zak, the ar of cutting paper to make various shapes. Productions ck ‘eativeness because of the short-cus scisors introduce. TS does sot mean seisors should be ruled out completely Primarily, however, they should he used solely to mak incisions for guiing better effects, No pat of the paper should be cutoff, In casical origum scisors were used to make the tMousand cranes, but only incisions were made Compound forms Certain onigim figures require more than one sheet of paper, Before you introduce wisors to obtain the ral shape of ‘what you are making, try using two oF mote sheets af paper to make diferent parts and then join them, When two or mor parts are joined to make a figure itis called a compound form. ‘The grasshopper, with its raised forelegs, triangular face and wings, is once sich form, It is imposible to make a sasshopper using one sheet of square paper, although it can be made from one sheet of tiangular paper. In this book 1 demonstrated folding & grasshopper with two sheets of paper: fone for the face, forelegs and wings; and the other for the semaiing legs and the rar balf ofthe body Some animals are made by folding the front and rear halves separately, combination of a mask and a person requires thee sheets of paper: one forthe mask, another forthe upper half of the Body and the third for the lower half of the body 131 With two sheets of paper you can make Buddhist images, Pan, he Japanese gods of wind and thuower or beautiful nudes Imitation to creative origami "recommend that beginners memorize all the basic forms and study carefully how 0 develop the figure dested. One Stovd observe in sealife what one wants to make to grasp the correct shape and character. It 4 good idea to study using Picture book of an art book Two or three questions would quickly test your power of ‘observation. Do you know, for example, that a whal's tail extends horizontally not vertically? Do you know a chimpan- 280 holds its arms up while an orangutan les them dangle? It is important 10 use your eyes all the time, and to sketch the shape of things in your mind, After mastering realism you can then make your work more symbolic and abstract. The ‘lassical origami crane has a formative beauty that is not ‘merely a copy of areal crane, Intensive research into the crane's formative beauty determined that the classical fold was most fitting. The crane is ‘origami’ greatest masterpiece and is readily understood by the present generation, Foreigners immediately awociate the ‘asical crane with origami When you do research into origami's symbolization and abstraction, an acute creative sons and keen observation ate helpful. In order to develop these senses, one should stuy art, sculptures and flower arrangements There are special difficulties in making masks. A mask should express joy or anger but wil not if paper is only folded ‘wenty oF thirty times. When the sculptor makes 4 Noh mask 132 he applies his whole heart and soul to his work. The origami atist_must likewise apply himself to capture the delicate expression in an origami mask, It is easy to enter the world of creative origami, but creativity i profound, 1 hope you enjoy this world and will contribute your own Meas to make it richer ‘The educational value of creative origami Children who merely copy how to fol origami do nt reap any great educational henefit. Ie appears simple to make an ongami figure using a sheet of paper and nothing else, but, on the contrary, it needs a highly creative nse Whereas painting needs a canvas and sculprue needs space, ‘origami needs only a sheet of puper. In the sheet of paper, however, exist endless folding posbilitis, To make origami Forms one must have the insight to se the paper's “invisible” lines in ordet to fold and produce something. Moreover, while ‘ther ars depend on brustes, paint, chisels and other tools or media, the fingers make all kinds of origami shapes and forms Actually, the person who disagrees with the role origami can play in formative education probably lacks a tue understand ing of origami Problems exist, too, in teaching origami. Children taught established ways of folding origami, for example, adopt a pasive attitude. Moreover, children who learn fat tend to fel superior when they quickly memorize a sequence. while children who experience difficulty in folding paper correctly or following directions become depress. Origami taught that way stifles creativity instead of nurturing it Chien should eu should not be taught that only by folding in a certain way can how 0 fold paper corectly but such and such an animal or object be made. If the teaching method is corrct, origimi becomes & most convenient ‘educational materi to be better understood today’ and 6 used smote often in kindergartens and nurseries, Teachers who use Origami seem origamt in kindergartends find the children vo enthusiastic that they forget the time, 134 Children surprise themselves by making various shapes Without cutting the paper. ‘Their favorites are squitrls, penguins and elephants. Children see something magical in origami tis possible to make forms quickly, using many colors and Without teking up much space. Children realize thei dreams by producing many figures they can play with afterwards. CChildsen tend to enjoy producing various figures when they realize they ate creating “playmates.”

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