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Bryan Garcia- Typer

Francisco Morales- Notetaker

Daniel Perez- Poster
Romario Cordova- Participant
Pirates: To Luffys craziness and our epicness, lets sip up and have an epic celebration brahs!
Maui brah bring out the nectar! Bra him so buggery thats my meat. Dude I ordered it. Brahs
Luffy: Dude it didnt hurt
Shanks: Brah! Youre going to get yourself killed if you try that again.
Luffy: Dude pain is epic, Im not afraid, next time lets surf up! I want to be an epic pirate!
Shanks: Pisto? Yeah dude?
Luffy: Dude your tone is so buggery!
Pirates: Luffy brah you have to cheer up get lit to face whats next. Dude being a pirate is epic!
You can go surfing and watch the macks.
Shanks: Brahs chill dont give him the wrong ideas!
Luffy: Dude Im so buggery. He wont agree with me!
First Mate: Bro luffy you got to be more open minded.
Luffy: So I have to understand him?
First Mate: Toatlly dude, hes our leader! Being a pirate is epic but also dangerous.
Luffy: Dude Shanks thinks Im dumb! Shanks bro how long are you going to stay.
Shanks: Soon brah, Im going surfing then Ill leave this town.
Luffy: Dude thats radical Ill be able to surf by then!
Shanks: Totally brah! Goodluck!

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