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Brief DEJ

All 50 states, the District of Columbia, and

U.S. territories conduct AIDS surveillance
using a standardized, confidential name-based
reporting system. Pg.3

Early, unprotected sex among young persons

can have negative consequences. Pregnancy
and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
including human immunodeficiency
virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(HIV/AIDS), result in high social, economic,
and health costs for affected persons, their
children, and society. Pg.2
In 2006, a total of 435,436 births occurred to
adolescent mothers aged 1519 years (Table
4), with almost one third occurring among
adolescents aged 1517 years (preliminary
data indicate that this number increased to
445,045 in 2007}. Pg.7

I dont understand why all of United States

territory contract so much STDs especially
AIDS. I also wonder how they determined the
surveillance. Lastly if they see that there is so
many people getting effected by this STD,
why havent found a cure so they can help the
If unprotected sex is happening so often with
younger people I feel as though they should
make it mandatory for a child to get tested
before entering school or a work place. Just
like they have it required to get certain shots
before they get accepted into school.

Why havent birth control been more

imperative if they know there is this many
females giving birth to children at such a
young age. If they made birth control to
prevent why arent they letting it be used
more often?

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