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Lerner 1

Michael Lerner
English 115
Professor Lawson
22 October 2015
Analysis Essay Final Draft
1,201 words
The Santa Monica Pier
For my ethnography project, I chose to study how the Santa Monica Pier has
turned into a major attraction in Southern California. I chose to study this location
because I like the atmosphere and attractions. On a sunny Sunday afternoon, I decided to
spend some time walking around the historical Santa Monica Pier. People from all around
the world come to the pier to explore its beautiful attractions and scenery. In popular
culture, the pier provides a wonderful backdrop to films, television shows, and music
videos. There are many different aspects of the Santa Monica Pier, from the attractions to
the groups of people who visit every day. The pier is a microcosm of Los Angeles culture
that displays cultural and socioeconomic issues for Angelenos.
The Santa Monica Pier opened on September 9, 1909. In the beginning, the pier
was served as a public utility and a pipeline was built underneath it to run treated sewage
out to the ocean. Then, it became a hot fishing spot for men and women in the Santa
Monica Bay. In 1924, the La Monica Ballroom was built on the pier. It opened its doors
to more than 50,000 people, enough to cause the first traffic jam recorded in Santa
Monica history. Later, a breakwater and yacht harbor was created in 1933. Throughout its

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history, the pier has changed over time and has become a popular recreational destination
in Southern California.
At first glance, the pier appears overly crowded and the pier's old, wooden planks
bring back the time when the pier started. While I was there, I observed different types of
restaurants and booths that were selling souvenirs, hats, and candy. Also, I noticed along
the pier several vendors trying to make some money. I happen to stop by a caricature
drawing of a young Mexican couple and the artist was drawing a well-detailed picture of
the two. There was a group of people watching the artist create his work of magic. I heard
the sounds of music in the background, waves crashing on the shore, and people joyfully
talking together. The fresh, salty ocean breeze was blowing and seagulls were flying
through the air.
The Santa Monica Pier has a large variation of attractions. Some of the wellknown attractions at the pier are the amusement park, carousel, and arcade. The
amusement park, called the Pacific Park, is one of the main attractions. The solarpowered Ferris wheel and roller coaster are the two rides that stand out the most on the
pier. Also, the carousel and arcade bring in a lot of attention from the visitors as well. The
carousel is bigger than a normal-sized carousel and its festive, eclectic architecture
attracts many families to ride its hand-carved horses. The arcade is filled with people of
all ages, ranging from young kids to adults. Many of the attractions have a nostalgic
feeling about them. The pier serves as a long-lasting tradition over many generations and
directly touches families. Living in West Los Angeles all of their lives, my grandma and
my mom have fond memories of the pier. Through visiting the pier as an adult, people are
brought back to the sweet innocence of their childhood.

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When I think of the Santa Monica Pier, I visualize a place where people from all
sorts of backgrounds come together as a community to have some fun in the sun.
Different cultural groups and nationalities walk on the pier daily. Families, couples,
together with tourists come and encounter what the Santa Monica Pier is like. The Santa
Monica Pier brings in people from all walks of life to experience one of Southern
California's greatest treasures.
As a famous Southern California tourist destination, the Santa Monica Pier is
made up of visitors from a number of nationalities and backgrounds. According to the
Santa Monica Pier website, the 2012 demographics show the median age to be 34 years
old (25% fall within the 18-25 age group); more than 20% live outside Southern
California and 33% speak Spanish as well as English ("Santa Monica Pier"). This data
reflects that the pier's main audience consists of 18 to 25 year olds and the majority of
visitors live in Southern California. Also, out of the three million visitors the Santa
Monica Pier attracts annually, the most popular ethnic group are Mexican. The different
cultural groups that pay a visit to the pier unite together as a community to enjoy the
recreational attractions and scenic views of the ocean.
Santa Monica is not only famous for the Santa Monica Pier, but also for the Third
Street Promenade. The Third Street Promenade is an outside shopping mall complete
with department stores, independent stores, restaurants, and street performers. The
promenade is located just two blocks away from the pier and the beach. Santa Monica is
most notable for its white-sand beaches and year round warm weather. Due to its close
proximity to the pier, the Third Street Promenade brings in people from the Santa Monica
Pier and vice versa. Each of these places attracts local residents and tourists from all over

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the world to explore one of the best beach cities in Southern California. The different
cultural groups that travel to the Santa Monica Pier and the Third Street Promenade
connect to the diversity of the Greater Los Angeles area.
Socioeconomic status is one factor that contributes to the diversity of the Santa
Monica Pier. Anyone can come to the pier no matter what his or her socioeconomic status
is due to the fact that it is free of charge, except for parking. Since there are many
different types of cultural groups that come to the pier annually, socioeconomic status can
vary among each cultural group. One particular subculture that experiences
socioeconomic issues is the pier fishermen. Pier-based subsistence fishing is a normal
standard of living for the fishermen. Typically, low-income families lack access to quality
food, thus depending on the natural resources in the ocean for nourishment. The main
reasons fishermen fish are for recreation, food, or income. One survey demonstrates that
slightly more than half of survey respondents do it for pleasure and 42% do it for
necessity (Pitchon and Norman). The significance of the fishermen exhibits the Santa
Monica Pier as not only a source of fun but also an essential way of life.
In conclusion, the Santa Monica Pier is a multi-faceted attraction filled with
visitors from all over the world. The different cultural groups that visit every day play a
major role in the diversity of the pier. The pier serves numerous purposes, from relaxation
to survival. The Santa Monica Pier reflects what the cultural landscape of the Greater Los
Angeles area looks like. The diverse people, friendly environment, and warm weather of
the Santa Monica Pier are meaningful and thrilling parts of Los Angeles culture.

Works Cited Page

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Pitchon, Ana, and Karma Norman. "Fishing off the Dock and Under the Radar in Los
Angeles County: Demographics and Risks." Bulletin, Southern California
Academy of Sciences, 111.2 (2012): 141-152. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.
"Santa Monica Pier Demographic Overview." Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

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