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Dear Malcolm,

My name is Colin Jones and I and a freshman here at UNCC. While I love to read, I am
not a huge fan of writing. I am a procrastinator who has been working on his procrastination but
is still not exactly good at managing his time. For example, this paper is going to be late on
Shmoodle because I am writing it right now at 12:29 on the 2nd of September. Procrastination is
a bad habit of mine that I am working to get rid of and provided I get on top of things, this will
be the only paper I write you to after it is due. My biggest issue with procrastination is that it has
always worked for me. Im stupidly smart but lazy to the point of just not doing something
because I procrastinate on it so long. Im also a night owl, so the night before has always been a
perfect time for me to write papers and do homework strictly because I sleep through the day
when I can.
On to more fun topics, like scouting and band! I am an Eagle Scout. Have been for 3
years now. While I genuinely hated most of the kids I went through scouting with, and the
Scoutmaster had it out for me, I had a great time with scouting. I had great mentors who were
always looking out for me, even against the Scoutmaster. While the Scoutmaster wasnt my
favorite person, I understand where he was coming from. Or I do now anyway.
I used to be a trouble kid. Still kinda am but I have been working on my attitude for
about 6 years now and it has really improved. My mother is soft spoken with a genius level iq
and responds to what she hears quickly and sarcastically, but nobody can hear her. My father is a
different story. He doesnt always think things through all the way, and he is quite loud when he
talks. So naturally I am loud, sarcastic, and say the first thing that comes to my mind. This
stacking on top of my lack of a filter is rarely a good thing.

Anyway back to scouts. I had people that saw the genuine good in me and helped push
me to get my Eagle. With a lot of care and support I finally got it, and started getting my attitude
under control.
Band. Band is my life. Its what Im studying here at UNCC and its what I want to
devote my life to. I want more than anything to be a bassoon professor. I hope that one day I
can be a good enough bassoon player that this dream will come true. I also am in the marching
While bassoon is a woodwind, I march the sousaphone which is a brass instrument. This
is due to a few reasons. First and foremost, the marching instructors are a bunch of bullies and
bullied me into it with promises of money and fun. Secondly, it is really hard to play two
woodwinds, especially when they require two totally different embrasures. In case you dont
know what an embrasure is, its the way a musician holds his mouth when playing an instrument.
I didnt just start marching either. I started marching back in high school. I marched the alto sax
my freshman year, the tenor my sophomore and junior years, and the bari my senior year.
Girlfriend. I have one of those. Still relatively recent too. Kaylin and I started dating
maybe 3 weeks ago. Depends when you think we started dating, because neither of us have any
clue. It was an instantaneous thing. We have been friends for about as long as I was in boy
scouts so probably about 7 years now. I was ASPL with Aaron and Josh was our SPL. Aaron is
Kaylins older brother and she was hanging around the scout hut one day and the rest, as they
say, is history. I have little to no clue how to be a proper boyfriend other than the basics. Her
mother is a hopeless romantic though, so I borrow a lot of her crazy date ideas.
Family is important I guess. Maybe Ill talk about them. I have my Mommy named
Susan and yes I call her Mommy even though Im 18. My dads name is Scott. I have a younger

brother who just turned 16 whose name is Brandon. Brandon and I are either plotting to take
over the world together, or we hate each other. We dont have a happy medium. Some video
games we are really good at playing together. Especially Co-Op games such as Borderlands, or
Star Wars Battlefront. Other games, like 1v1 fighting games and racing games, where there is
only one winner are the games we get into fights over.
I suppose you have figured out that Im at least somewhat of a gamer by now. I mostly
play on my laptop but also love playing PS3 (which is my dads) or my PS2. Old games are the
best kind of games and I love nothing more than some of my original PS2 games.
One final topic, because Im tired of writing and cant think of anything else. I love my
friends. I love being with people. I am very much a people person. My best friend always is
and will be a dumb little kid named Thomas Jones. Although we share the same last name and
will tell anybody and everybody that we are brothers, we arent actually related. I say dumb kid
even though hes older than me by two months strictly because the dumb kid got a tattoo on his
chest that is a symbol from his favorite TV show, Supernatural. Dumb kid. My other best friend
is Daniel Houchen. I love me some Houchen. We didnt always get along but that was because
each thought the other was a jerk. Then we found out both of us just arent fans of the general
population. Houchen is going into the Air Force and he leaves for basic on October 12th or 13th
and I am really sad. I wear an Air Force bracelet on my right wrist specifically for him. I will
never tell him that Im worried for him strictly because he will laugh it off and tell me that he
will be fine, but I fear for the guy. I just cant help it.
Im sorry that you had to read all this and I hope it helps you get to know more about me.
Colin out. Peace Big Dawg.

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