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Mignonne Rogers

175 W 5th S Apt 611

Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents
1 - Web Page
2 - Brochure
3 - Montage
4 - Imaging
5 - Event Ad
6 - Logos
7 - Business Card
8 - Letterhead
9 - Flier

Web Page
Web page designed to show off the logo design dream
Programs used - CSS, HTML, and Adobe Illistrator
Completed on November 21, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - To encourage families to look beyond themselves to those who arent quite as blessed to be in a loving
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
I first began by working in the html program.
I placed my logo into the design and then changed the text
to match the message I was striving to present.
I then attached the css program to my html so I could make
changes within the website to showcase my logo.
I selected colors for my font and background that would enhance my message.
I placed a white backdrop behind my text and then changed
the opacity to allow the webpage image to show through,
thus complimenting the log color scheme.
I finished by validating my html and css programs to be sure
there was no mistakes in the code and layout.

Brochure created to help advertise a dating website etitled The Birds & Bees
Programs used - Adobe Illistrator, Photoshop and Indesign
Completed on December 6, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - If you join our online dating program we can have
you matched up quickly with very ittle effort on your part.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
First I began by creating a logo in Illustrator. I found that I really enjoy working in that program. I created the bee first and
then used the pattern from the bee to make my bird.
Once my logo was complete I placed the logo into Indesign.
I choose three photos and then placed them into Photoshop
so I could do some editing before moving them into the Indesign project.
I arranged the photos and logo in a way that they complimented one another while adding a few other design elements throughout the brochure such as the squiggly lines that
can be found.
Once this was completed I typed up my text in Word and then
place my text into my brochure wrapping some of it around
the image that I had placed in the middle of the inside page.
I then printed, folded and cut the pamphlet making sure all of
the lines and edges matched what I had laid out in Indesign.



A young girl beaming with light looking up into the
night sky
Programs used - Adobe Photoshop
Completed on October 24, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - We are surrounded by heaven, we simply
need to take the time to see it.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
I began by downloading my background image and
cropping it to the right size and fit for this project. It went
from being 8.5 by 5.3 to 11 by 8.5.
Next I added the picture of the blue eyed girl and faded
her to blend better with the background. I made sure to
place her eyes pointing towards the moon so that the
audience will follow her eyes to where the text will be
Then I rotated the sun rays picture and placed it behind
the layer of the picture with the blue eyed girl. I took time
to place and blend the sun rays so they didnt over power either of the previous images that had already been
placed on the design.
I placed a dry brush filter on the moon to give it more of
a pop.
I also sharpened the girls eyes to help draw the viewers
attention to them.
I added the text and made sure to vary the size, font,
and color of the body text with the authors name so that
there would be different dynamics to look at and give
attention to.

Two small purple flowers on a fall garden background,
accented by a quote by Jeffery R. Holland about love.
Programs used - Photoshop
Completed October 16, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - If you truly love someone than you think more
about the hen of yourself
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
This was my first time really getting into the Photoshop program. I took a picture and uploaded it for design changes.
I also uploaded the color wheel so I could draw my colors
directly off from it. With the eye dropper I dropped the exact
colors that I wanted into large circles and text to create a
visually pleasing color display. The gradient tool was used to
help the pastel colors to stand out against the fall backdrop.

Event Ad
A magazine page advertising a charity event.
Programs used - Microsoft Word
Completed on October 10, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - Help inform people about the reality of foster
care and adoption.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
The tools that were used in this project happened to be very
similar to our last project. Word was used and explored to
enhance the picture, and select specific color patterns. The
rulers were used to ensure correct alignment between all
of the words. There was also a need to be aware of how far
out the printer could go to make sure the words and picture
would not be distorted once printed.

M ake Happily
Ever Lasting

National Adoption Day

November 21, 2015

Raising Adoption Awareness

For every Frosty purchased at Wendys on

November 21 , National Adoption Day,
receive a second frosty FREE.

Sponsored by the
Dave Thomas Foundation
for Adoption

All proceedings will be donated to help foster

children find their H a p p y E n d i n g

A small family standing together against the words Dream
Programs used - Adobe Illistrator
Completed on October 31, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - To encourage families to look beyond themselves
to those who arent as blessed to be in a lovig family
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
First I began by trying out a few different designs before I began my work in illustrator.
Next I typed up my text and searched for the right font.
I then made the big into an object so I could manipulate the
b to fit my design ideas.
To create the little people I used the shapes and twisted them
around to form the design I wanted.
Next I made my people all one shape by using the shape creation tool.
With that I sized them and used the image of the small child
duplicated and flipped to have two kids.
I finished by trying out different color schemes to make sure
my design would fit all of my companies needs.

Dream Big - Adoption Promotion Agency



Business Card
A business card designed to advertise a glasses company
Programs used - Adobe Illistrator and Indesign
Completed on November 7, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - Come buy some cute classy glasses that will make
you look like your best self.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
First I had to choose a logo design and create it in Adobe
Once the design was selected there were modifications that
had to be made to the design so that I could place it in various
locations throughout the business card.
With the logo design created and manipulated in multiple
Adobe Illustrator documents I then place it into an InDesign
Document to create the business card.
Once I had created the business card, I went back in and
made modifications to my original design by adding filters
and varying color choices.

HEY Classy Eyewear

Jessica Clarsonel

Classy Eyewear
379 Showoff Lane.
Happeelivin, Jessica
Mo. 64492

379 Showoff Lane.
Happeelivin, Mo. 64492





A letterhead designed to advertise a glasses company
Programs used - Adobe Illistrator and Indesign
Completed on November 7, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - Come buy some cute classy glasses that will
make you look like your best self.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
First I had to choose a logo design and create it in Adobe
Once the design was selected there were modifications
that had to be made to the design so that I could place it
in various locations throughout the letterhead.
With the logo design created and manipulated in multiple Adobe Illustrator documents I then place it into an
InDesign Document to create the letterhead.
Once I had created the letterhead, I went back in and
made modifications to my original design by adding
filters and varying color choices.

Flier to advertise a Brazilian self defense class that is
being taught on campus.
Programs used - Adobe Indesign
Completed on October 2, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Instructor - Brother Ben Pingel
Objective - There will be Brazilian self defense classes
that are being taught on campus bi-weekly. It is free and
all students are invited.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
The main program being used was Indesign. Within the
Indesign program I had to color text, create text boxes.
export files. down load images, size and shape pictures,
down load font styles, use the ruler to prestigiously align
text pictures and shapes.

Magazine Pages
The true story of a modern western cowboy.
Programs used - Adobe Indesign, Photoshop and
Microspft Word
Completed on December 12, 2015
Course - Communications 130 Section 07
Objective - To share Mr. Harold Turners stories. Created
for his family and the visitors to the Triangle X Dude Ranch
located in Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills):
First I began by typing up my text in Microsoft word.
Then I brought it into Indesign and connected the text boxes throughout the document so any changes I made would
be universal.
Once completed I pulled a picture of wood paneling and
placed it in Photoshop so I could make the necessary adjustments fro it to be a proper back drop for my text.
With the pages tools pulled out I made a universal background for my project.
I then took a few different photos and edited them in Photoshop so I could wrap text around them in Indesign. Once
this was all completed I searched though my text to make
sure there were no words hanging off the end of paragraphs or lines left by themselves.
I had to do quite a bit of shifting around to make sure I had
the full bleed on all the images that I had positioned that
All around this was a fun project to do and a great way to
apply a lot of what I have been learning this semester. in
the Adobe programs.

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