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Densities of Liquids

1.1 Density of Water

Weigh 50 mL water on a clean and dry 100 mL graduated cylinder

Determine the mass of the container with water

1.2 Density of a Liquid other than Water

Weigh a clean and dry 10 mL graduated cylinder

Add 5 mL of the liquid sample

+Isopropyl Alcohol

Weigh the graduated cylinder together with the liquid sample

Do the same procedure in other liquid samples

Coconut Oil, unknown liquid sample

2. Densities of Solids

2.1 Density of Regularly-shaped Solids


Rectangular Solid
Measure the length, width, and thickness of a rectangular-shaped solid
By means of a metric ruler
Measure it to the nearest tenth of a centimeter

Weigh the solid to the nearest tenth of a gram


Spherical Solid
Measure the diameter of a sphere shaped solid

By means of a metric ruler

Measure it to the nearest tenth of a centimeter

Weigh the solid to the nearest tenth of a gram

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