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I was travelling through the city to reach my workplace as usual on a very cool

Sunday morning (45 degree C). In the midst of the beads of tiny droplets of
perspiration rolling down my forehead I imagine a surreal life in the beckoning.
Oh yes I did work on 1st May too!!
As the reckless driver manoeuvered the vehicle through narrow lanes of
shattered asphalt and crowded streets, the guilt of working for a living
engrossed my otherwise deluded mind. The comfort of owning a cell phone, an
access point to stay connected to the circles of friends and family through the
internet, the privilege to travel around the places of interest, the provision to
spend money on all the needs and luxuries and above all to stay healthy with a
proper dosage of essential nutrients.
I mean common I should have had a better life than this! The pain with which I
managed to graduate is a testimony to my belief. There were days when I just
woke up to have a good square meal! The day began with hangout at a local
restaurant or beverage shop irrespective of time. There was pocket money to
lavish upon and then there was corruption when the fuel ran low down the
pocket! Ever imagined a life working? Oh no, not me please.
Ramanuj the driver is 32 years old and from a place near Patna in Bihar. He has
five children. The fifth one is a boy aged 12. Candid about the soaring
temperature, Ramanuj swears he wouldnt consume beer in the evening.
Honking, screeching, buzzing and offcourse hustling is the environment with
almost a third of a quarter of a million population in the city vacationing to have
a piece of daily chores. The vehicle still has some life running down its crux of
the system although it is not equipped with the facility of Air-conditioning nor
with a music system. She must be handled with care I say to Ramanuj as he
reluctantly fidgets to get her down to gear 2.
What do you want to do after graduation? What are your interest s in the field
of graduation? Ohh did you read about the latest technologies that has
changed the way of work in that field? You intend to pursue Masters? Which is
your dream company? Why didnt you attend the campus placements? You

could have atleast given the writtens, I know a co-ordinator in the placement
cell, she could have got you through the back door! You done with your project
work? What are you going to do for a living? My parents wont allow us to be
together if you dont work!!
Quiet a day it has already been and we havent even travelled half our way to
the office, says Jeetu the office boy. Jeetu hails from a small town in Uttar
Pradesh and heavens lord I dont get an idea how he landed into this current
profile. However, Jeetu doesnt complain a lot about his responsibilities unlike
me. He is focussed and knows his job very certainly. With so many thoughts
around a single point in time I wonder why the research psychologists are not
taking a que of me. The vehicle unexpectedly growls to a halt. A traffic jam sir
says Ramanuj. It couldnt have gotten better I whispered. To hell with the job, I
am returning back to home I said for the zillionth time to myself. It is
challenging to work on a Sunday and even more enduring to work for a reason
of stupidity. Not that I work smartly, the systems and processes in an
uncontrolled organizational structure can be most of the times unpleasant.
Beat it when you have cross functional reporting managers. An obligation hard
to deny knowing the political background of the great motherland called India.
Hey bro where are you? What are you doing these days? How is life? Dont be
low, we are there for you. We shall find a way out! Think out of the box buddy!
Do you still hangout at the cafeteria? There is an opportunity in our
organization, shall I send a reference? Goa? Goa? Goa? We never missed Goa
man, what happened to you? It was awesome. Remember when we stayed in
the shack opposite to the rocky mountains last year? We stayed at the Taj this
time. Amazing man. I wish I get an good appraisal this year. Hey bro, bro, bro.
Seriously I never realised when my name was changed to bro, my name still in
the graduation certificate stands as it is. Some things are weird in life I should
say. A lot of things happen in a blink and a lot of things still remain the same
even after decades.

She is drenched from top to toe. She soesnt even bother to carry a umbrella.
With a half broken incisor and a lot of reddish pink colored tobacco in her
mouth she refuses to go home without a good deal for the investment made. A
heap of fresh potatoes and onion lay in front when she adjusts the weight in the
balance. A routine day for her at the office I imagine. Might have invested X
amount for the day with an expectancy of returning back to her cottage with
X+n amount, n being a positive integer. So she might be doing this on a daily
basis. Money comes in and money goes out. Does she maintain a balance
sheet? Any tax liability she is entiltled too? Does she consult a Chartered
Accountant to prepare the profit and loss account? How does she do it? Does
she pay bribe/rent to sell products not on her property? What if she doesnt find
the customers to increase her net profit margin? Does she borrow money from
lenders/bank? What rate of interest she borrows if she is getting support from a
Self Help Group? Does she give enough time towards her family? She ever cry?
She ever had fear? Is it out of necessity? How does she manage it? How does
she defend competition? What is the discounted rate of return? What might be
the payback period of her investment? What are her marketing strategies and
how does she decide upon the location of doing business?
You are a charming young guy. You intend to settle in life son? Hey there is jaw
dropping offer on this flat, you should really invest in this! There is this girl in
our community who has completed her masters would you like to see her? And
so the unending pros and cons list is prepared sub-consciously and surprise
me if there is chance of the latter being weighed out by its competitor. The
brave few still manage to fight out like the great Hector up untill death, only to
realize that it is their pride and disbelief to let down the close associates. I
confide in the boundaries of the society.
Still curios as to where this is leading too? I should ask the same to myself. A
few points although which shall surely be useful in thy conquest of life shall be
from the documentary I watched a couple of weeks earlier. Some motivational
quotes I remember states that You are the creator of reality. What you resist
is what you perceive. In conjunction I also remember other quotes such as

Creativity is the residue of time waste. Some people see things as they are
and ask why, I dream of things that were never there and ask why not. It says
that there is basically only two types of emotion. The one which is Good and
the other is bad. It is known as the emotional guidance system. Once a person
starts to think about a particular scenario in life as good, all other things
irrespective of circumstances and situations begin to feel and become good.
The same implies to the opposite of it too. When a person is actually thinking
about the things not achieved/received, the person is actually activating the
emotional guidance system to keep thinking about the unachieved/unreceived
substance. In effect consequential Domino effect induces a whole scenario of
circumstances leading to unpleasant observations. It continues to say that the
secret lays in three distinct conditions;
1. Ask
2. Answer
3. Receive
Ask what you want out of your life. Keep looking out into the box of possibilities
you best think is/will bring happiness to you. Decide upon the final possibility.
Having completed the task of asking, start answering the questions that arise.
The solution is there in front of you. Just need to know the way to reach it. Most
famous people knew what they wanted to do but never recognized HOW they
wanted to reach there. Keep working towards your objectives the path shall
unfold along the way. The penultimate condition is to receive your thoughts and
guide it in order to realize the dream/endeavor.
It sounds a bit awkward but Ramanuj did borrow 100 bugs to get high on the
beer he sweared he wouldnt think of consuming on that day!

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